Pyukumuku | SM | Smogon Strategy Pokedex
Pyukumuku SM Smogon Strategy Pokedex provides detailed strategies and information on Pyukumuku in the Pokémon games.
Pyukumuku - Smogon University
Leftovers permite a Pyukumuku evitar 2HKO importantes de amenazas ofensivas fuertes y le da un poco de recovery pasiva. Consejos de uso . Es mejor preservar los HP de Pyukumuku y mantenerlo suficientemente saludable para hacer check a setup sweepers como Hawlucha y Manaphy, y a algunos wallbreakers como Mega Swampert.
Pyukumuku | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex
A detailed guide on Pyukumuku's strengths, weaknesses, moves, and strategies in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
PU - pyukumuku | Smogon Forums
2022年3月30日 · Block allows Pyukumuku to trap and KO foes, stalling them out with Spite or Toxic. Rest is preferred in the last moveslot so Pyukumuku is not easily worn down by Toxic Ferroseed or Gigalith, and it gives an additional form of recovery. Further, since Pyukumuku won't use PP while asleep, Rest can contribute nicely to PP stalling.
PU - Pyukumuku | Smogon Forums
2018年1月16日 · uploaded -zard QC: allstarapology / Yogibears / 2xTheTap GP: The Dutch Plumberjack / Lemonade [OVERVIEW] Pyukumuku carves out a niche for stall teams with its high defensive stats and amazing ability in Unaware. It is the only viable user of this ability, and on stall-oriented teams, it plays...
Pyukumuku (done) | Smogon Forums
2021年8月12日 · Pyukumuku is a decent pick on stall teams, as Unaware allows it to check setup sweepers such as Manaphy, Mega Garchomp, and Volcarona, and its Water typing lets it pivot into the likes of Ash-Greninja, Melmetal, and Mega Scizor. However, due to it only having status moves, it's an incredibly passive Pokemon that can be easy to play around.
UU - Pyukumuku (3/3) | Smogon Forums - Smogon University
2021年2月25日 · Recover le permite a Pyukumuku hacer check a objetivos como Nasty Plot Infernape y Lucario a lo largo de la partida sin necesidad de usar Rest. Detalles del set ===== Unaware le permite vencer a atacantes especiales potenciados,AC como Infernape, además de algunos atacantes físicos débiles potenciados débiles como Mimikyu. Consejos de uso =====
Best Pyukumuku Posts - Reddit
Pyukumuku is my strength,Pyukumuku is my compass,Pyukumuku is my destination. Pyukumuku is my language,Pyukumuku is my culture,Pyukumuku is my religion. Pyukumuku is my ocean,Pyukumuku is my mountain,Pyukumuku is my sky,Pyukumuku is my air,Pyukumuku is my sun,Pyukumuku is my moon,Pyukumuku is my world.
OU - Pyukumuku | Smogon Forums
2017年1月28日 · QC: Gary / p2 / Colonel M GP: P Squared [OVERVIEW] * With access to Unaware, reliable recovery, and good bulk, Pyukumuku is able to wall a large portion of setup sweepers in OU. * Pyukumuku is the bulkiest Unaware user both physically and specially, which, combined with its typing, allows it...
RU - Pyukumuku | Smogon Forums
2021年3月24日 · Pyukumuku is also unable to pressure Steel-types like Registeel and Steelix if you are not running Spite. Pyukumuku is prone to entry hazards, as they make it waste Recover PP and become harder to switch into physical threats such as Cobalion, Darmanitan, and Mienshao. Block allows Pyukumuku to forcibly cripple foes with Toxic or PP stall with ...