Understanding Spike in PSA Levels: Expert Q&A - JustAnswer
Customer: My dad is 83 years old , his psa level went from 2.5 to 9.9 , from last year’s blood test to this years Doctor's Assistant: The Urologist can help. Just a couple quick questions before I transfer you.
My husband psa levels was 9.5 does this mean he has a high
This sounds like he may have had an infection called prostatitis that can cause his PSA to elevate. He needs to be started on an antibiotic like cipro for 4-6 weeks to fight the infection and then he needs to have his PSA rechecked after the infection is treated. If the PSA is still elevated, then he will need a prostate biopsy to rule out cancer.
What is a normal psa reading and is 5.9 very high - JustAnswer
Curious if my psa of 5.9 from 3.5 last year is probably cancer or if the chances are less than 50%. i am seeing a the-good-doctor | Medical Doctor Trained at a Top Academic Institution 114,804 Satisfied Customers
My PSA is 7.9, how do I get checked for prostate cancer
PSA test-1 8.94, second PSA a day after in different lab 6.63 Edgar Rubio Villegas | Doctor with 9 years of experience in family medicine, pediatrics, sexually transmitted diseases, dermatology, gynecology, general surgery and traumatology
My PSA went from 2.9 to 3.5 in the last year. I am 60 ... - JustAnswer
PSA velocity can be a indicator of prostate cancer even with a still technically "normal" PSA level. For men whose initial PSA value is less than 4, a PSA velocity of 0.35 (ng/mL) per year or greater (for example, if values went from 2 to 2.4 to 2.8 over …
I just had a exam and my psa was 4.9 and my prostate isn't …
A total PSA level greater than 10.0 indicates an increased risk for prostate cancer. Results from this test do not confirm a diagnosis of prostate cancer. . You can read more about the PSA test here
My PSA has gradually risen to 8.9 Is that a sure sign of prostate ...
A total PSA level greater than 10.0 indicates an increased risk for prostate cancer. Results from this test do not confirm a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Other conditions can raise a PSA level including an enlarged prostate, an infected or inflamed prostate, or prostate biopsy or surgery.
PSA test of 9.1 today, last year was 2.1, this sounds very alarming ...
Customer: PSA test of 9.1 today, last year was 2.1, this sounds very alarming, could you have a reading this high and not have cancer? age 72 Answered by Dr. Grinman in 10 mins 15 years ago Dr. Grinman
My PSA went up from 6.25 to 9.5 in 4 months. I have ... - JustAnswer
Customer: My PSA went up from 6.25 to 9.5 in 4 months. I have Prostate Cancer and have been on active surveillance for 2.5 years. I have Prostate Cancer and have been on active surveillance for 2.5 years.
Is 3.9 PSA for a 57 year old man cause for concern for ... - JustAnswer
The normal value for total PSA has been set at less than 4.0. A total PSA level greater than 10.0 indicates an increased risk for prostate cancer. Results from this test do not confirm a diagnosis of prostate cancer. Other conditions can raise a PSA level including an enlarged prostate, an infected or inflamed prostate, or prostate biopsy or ...