Privoxy - Home Page
Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk.
Quickstart to Using Privoxy
Start Privoxy, if the installation program has not done this already (may vary according to platform). See the section Starting Privoxy. Set your browser to use Privoxy as HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) proxy by setting the proxy configuration for address of and port 8118.
2. Installation - Privoxy
To build and install the Privoxy source code on OS X you will need to obtain the macsetup module from the Privoxy Sourceforge CVS repository (refer to Sourceforge help for details of how to set up a CVS client to have read-only access to the repository).
Privoxy 4.0.0 User Manual
Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk.
1. General Information - Privoxy
Privoxy is a proxy that is primarily focused on privacy enhancement, ad and junk elimination and freeing the user from restrictions placed on his activities. Sitting between your browser(s) and the Internet, it is in a perfect position to filter outbound personal information that your browser is leaking, as well as inbound junk.
Quickstart to Using Privoxy
Set your browser to use Privoxy as HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) proxy by setting the proxy configuration for address of and port 8118. ( Junkbuster and earlier versions of Privoxy used port 8000.)
8. Actions Files - Privoxy
The actions files are used to define what actions Privoxy takes for which URLs, and thus determines how ad images, cookies and various other aspects of HTTP content and transactions are handled, and on which sites (or even parts thereof). There are a number of such actions, with a wide range of functionality.
11. HOWTOs - privoxy.org
Now Privoxy can read and modify the traffic from the webserver. On the other hand, Privoxy itself encrypts the traffic it sends to the browser using an on the fly self-created TLS server certificate that is signed by Privoxy CA.
9. Filter Files - Privoxy
Privoxy supports four different pcrs-based filter actions: filter to rewrite the content that is send to the client, client-header-filter to rewrite headers that are send by the client, server-header-filter to rewrite headers that are send by the server, and client-body-filter to rewrite client request body.
2. Installation - Privoxy
Privoxy is part of FreeBSD's Ports Collection, you can build and install it with cd /usr/ports/www/privoxy; make install clean. If you don't use the ports, you can fetch and install the package with pkg_add -r privoxy .