PP0P SAP Parameter String for Program Class PP0P Table in …
PP0P is a standard SAP S4 Hana Table which is used to store Parameter String for Program Class PP0P data and is available within S4 HANA SAP systems depending on the version and release level. Table is available within an SAP ECC system PP0P
PP0P-GRAPHTYP SAP table Field - GRAPHTYP values - SE80
Below is everything you need to know about the SAP graphtyp field in table PP0P, Including example ABAP code to show you how to select data, attributes/info such as that it is a none Key Field of table PP0P and that it stores GRAPHTYP
List of SAP Tables objects containing - SE80
PP0P - Parameter String for Program Class PP0P PP0U - Parameter String for Program Group PP0U PP0V - Parameter string for program class PP0V PPA PPACE - HR-CH: Fields for module pool SAPMPACE PPAC_ALL_DI - Prepaid Account DI: All Data (S4) PPAC_HDR_DI - Prepaid Account DI: All Header Data (S2)
PPACE SAP HR-CH: Fields for module pool SAPMPACE Structure …
PP0P - Parameter String for Program Class PP0P PP0O - Create Organizational Structure PP0N - Parameter String for Creating a Scenario Group. PIQCHALLENGE_PERCENTAGE. PME02. PNEQR. PIQSEARCHYEARPRD. PLFH_DI_EX. PIQ_GB_UCAS_REF_ERROR. PIQ_OBJECTS_ENQUEUED. PIQEI_PERSONAL.
PRICAT_K004K SAP PRICAT: Structure for Key Fields for Search
PRICAT_K004K is an SAP Structure so does not store data like a database table does but can be used to process "PRICAT: Structure for Key Fields for Search Help" Information within sap ABAP programs.
PVE_FORM_HRVE_INCE_01_2 SAP Substructure for form …
PVE_FORM_HRVE_INCE_01_2 is an SAP Structure used to store Substructure for form hrve_ince_01. Part 2. data. Below is the documentation, technical details of each fields, ABAP code etc..
PSHLP_PMCS_COPY_ST SAP Structure to change copy duration …
PSHLP_PMCS_COPY_ST is an SAP Structure used to store Structure to change copy duration and contraints in activity data. Below is the documentation, technical details of each fields, ABAP code etc..
PSHLP_WBS_MLST_CHG_FM_ST SAP Milestone structure for WBS …
PSHLP_WBS_MLST_CHG_FM_ST is an SAP Structure used to store Milestone structure for WBS change function module data. Below is the documentation, technical details of each fields, ABAP code etc..
SAP BC Business Management Tables (BC-BMT) - SE80
PP0P - Parameter String for Program Class PP0P PP0U - Parameter String for Program Group PP0U PPCPD - Personnel Cost Plan: Admin.Structure for Payroll Results PPCSH - Help Fields for Personnel Cost Planning PPENQ - Lock Key PPHDR - Common Key for PD Infotypes PPHDX - PD Screen Fields PPKEY - PPKEY: PD Key Structure PPLOG - PD Infotype Record
PRU_PFR1_REESTR SAP HR-RU: ADV1 - REESTR Structure and data
PRU_PFR1_REESTR is an SAP Structure so does not store data like a database table does but can be used to process "HR-RU: ADV1 - REESTR" Information within sap ABAP programs.