HSP vs PLS: Some General Info | ALS Support Community
2011年2月2日 · PLS distinctives: PLS does much less collateral damage, and is considered a pure motor neuron disease. It only has 1 or 2 known genetic causes. (Maybe I'll add the 3rd!) …
PLS and the VA - ALS Support Community
2009年11月5日 · I was diagnosed with PLS 3 years ago. Filed for service connected disability with local VBA, and was denied. Filed again and provided letters from my two Neurologists (one …
Primary lateral sclerosis | ALS Support Community
PLS and UMND ALS lgelb; Jan 2, 2019; Replies 0 Views 10K. Jan 2, 2019. lgelb. Hand cramps when using cane ...
PLS to ALS | ALS Support Community - alsforums.com
2020年6月13日 · PLS is generally given as a "probable" diagnosis because they give us four years to convert to ALS before giving it as a permanent diagnosis. Most convert to ALS and a …
PLS and VA | ALS Support Community
2011年5月15日 · Given the close relationship between ALS and PLS, it seems reasonable to assume that same link would exist with PLS. At the very least the VA could check their …
My PLS story (long) - ALS Support Community
2008年1月23日 · My name is Rob and I am 35 yrs old, married and father of three teenage daughters. I was diagnosed with PLS in early 2007 by Dr. Appel. My story begins in 2003. I …
*Almost* diagnosed with PLS - ALS Support Community
2015年3月6日 · PLS doesn't convert to ALS. ALS can appear as PLS during the early years. Generally by year 5 even slow progressing ALS will exhibit lower motor neuron symptoms. …
Tentatively diagnosed with PLS | ALS Support Community
2024年12月18日 · Most PLS stories I've listen to identify a n initial surge of symptoms, as I did. Then it tends to plateau and progress slowly. My goal was to try to stay ahead of the …
Just diagnosed with PLS - ALS Support Community
2015年9月11日 · I also have Bulbar PLS. It slowly descended down my body. I walking started being affected after 5 years. I worked with a speech therapist and did exercises for 5 months …
Concerned about UMN/PLS | ALS Support Community
2023年10月12日 · Said no ALS due to clean EMG but couldn't rule out upper motor neuron issues due to my brisk reflexes (bilateral 3+) but said he saw no evidence of ALS or PLS on my neuro …