PIPP - Astronomy Software & Computers - Cloudy Nights
2023年7月3日 · I'm unsuccessful at getting PIPP to run on Linux via Wine; with waveSharp supporting native Linux, PIPP is the only thing left tying me back to Windows. I don't think there's anymore work being done for PIPP-I think even the website is not there anymore.
PIPP download location seems unavailable - Cloudy Nights
2023年6月17日 · Ay users of PIPP have any idea why I might have this problem. PIPP cannot see a bunch of images on my hard drive (the moon). However, it would happily import pictures of squirrels in another folder. I have checked the windows directory and the images are definitely there and viewable (also from Lightroom). They are raw files.
PIPP - planetary imaging pre-processor software
2012年1月28日 · PIPP is a simple command-line program that I wrote to help with pre-processing planetary images.PIPP's functions include:Load a sequence of images from either AVI video files or bitmap image files.Debayer raw frames from colour cameras to produce colour frames.Check each frame contains a planet t...
PIPP-AutoStakkert-RegiStax or just PIPP-RegiStax?
2016年9月17日 · I use PIPP to perform an initial cleaning of the video file. Due to my lousy capture practices, the video will sometimes have bumps or movement that messes things up. PIPP will sort thru them and can throw away the worst frames, leaving a nice tidy - with cantered planet - video file for easier processing by AS.
To PIPP or not to PIPP that is the question - Cloudy Nights
2021年9月28日 · Page 1 of 2 - To PIPP or not to PIPP that is the question - posted in Major & Minor Planetary Imaging: Ive seen many people ask if PIPP is necessary, or does it make a difference. Ive always used PIPP but never really knew the answer. Heres a side by side comparison, same video used, same stacking percentage in Autostakkert (25%), same …
Link for PIPP online manual? - Cloudy Nights
2023年9月3日 · Link for PIPP online manual? - posted in Astronomy Software & Computers: Is there another link to the online PIPP manual?
Planetary Imaging FAQ - updated January 2025 - Cloudy Nights
2022年2月14日 · 15.6 pipp PIPP has a number of tools which may be of use to the planetary imager. It is very good for removing video frames that have been corrupted during the capture process or contains frames where the planet has drifted off the sensor, centring the planet, creating animated gif files, debayering the original raw video, plus a number of ...
PIPP - Astronomy Software & Computers - Cloudy Nights
2023年7月21日 · PIPP - posted in Astronomy Software & Computers: It seems the website no longer exist and I cant find an alternative download site for this software.
Pipp "Failed With Errors" - Cloudy Nights
2022年11月12日 · Pipp "Failed With Errors" - posted in Lunar Observing and Imaging: I have been trying to process my photos to Tiff in batch mode only using the best 100 out of 500 and it gets to file 15-18 or so and comes up with failed with errors. No other information shows what the reason is. Ive tried converting the photos without the quality estimation and even using other …
Autostakkert!4 vs Autostakkert!3 & PIPP for Time - Cloudy Nights
2024年3月22日 · AS!3+PIPP time: 32.15 min So you can see here, the resluts from Autostakkert!4 completely outclass the time spent pre-processing compared to Autostakkert!3 and Autostakkert!3+PIPP approach for preculling and then processing a smaller data set. 9.55 minutes (AS!4) for all processing on a 41Gb IMX183 data file, compared to 73.8 mins (AS!3) …