P&G purpose, values and principles - Procter & Gamble
We uphold the values and principles of P&G in every action and decision. We are all leaders in our area of responsibility, with a deep commitment to delivering leadership results. We have a …
Our PVPs - Procter & Gamble
Taken together, Our Purpose, Values and Principles are the foundation for P&G’s unique culture. Throughout our history of over 180 years, our business has grown and changed while these …
公司治理 | 宝洁 - P&G
宝洁的每一项决策均可从公司宗旨、价值观及原则(简称为 PVP)中找到依据。 清晰明确且恒久不变的公司宗旨、价值观及原则是驱动宝洁几个世代以来始终保持增长势头的首要因素。 我 …
Ethics and Corporate Responsibility | P&G - Procter & Gamble
Our Purpose, Values and Principles (PVPs) are the foundation of who we are. Our Purpose is to improve consumers' lives in small but meaningful ways, and it inspires our people to make a …
Employees | P&G - Procter & Gamble
Every year, the P&G Survey proves how ingrained our PVPs are in the organization by continuing to be the highest scoring category in the Annual Survey. Also, continuing to uphold and …
Our Values - Procter & Gamble
We uphold the values and principles of P&G in every action and decision. We are data-based and intellectually honest in advocating proposals, including recognizing risks. We are all leaders in …
宗旨、價值觀及原則|P&G - P&G Taiwan
整體來說,我們的宗旨、價值觀及原則是 P&G 獨特文化的基礎。 在 180 餘年的歷史中,P&G 業務不斷發展和變化,但始終秉持著承這些元素。 我們將提供優質超值的產品和服務,改善現 …
Worldwide Business Conduct Manual
The WBCM contains the global standards necessary to uphold our Purpose, Values, and Principles. It provides guidance on situations we may face and offers resources for questions …
公司治理概覽 | P&G - P&G Taiwan
p&g做出的每項決定及所有員工行為皆以公司宗旨、價值觀及原則 (pvp)為基準。 公司清晰明確、恆久如一的宗旨、價值觀及原則,持續推動公司成長。 我們努力以負責任的方式經營,並且 …
Procter & Gamble
purpose; values; principles; vision; promise