When do you use 'nom de plume' vs. 'pen name' vs. 'pseudonym'?
2021年9月18日 · A pen name is when an author publishes under a different name. A nom de plume is when a pretentious author publishes under a different name. Generally a pseudonym has the intention of concealing who the real person is. With a pen name or nom de plume it may be for purposes other than concealment.
etymology - Where on Earth is "penguin" from? - English …
2015年4月7日 · The Welsh theory is well-supported by the fact that pen gywn closely matches the earliest forms of the word and the earliest example listed in OED states that the name to be given by Welsh sailors: 1577 F. Fletcher Log of ‘Golden Hind’ 24 Aug. in N. M. Penzer World Encompassed by Sir F. Drake (1971) 128 Infinite were the Numbers of the ...
periods - Should there be a space between name initials? - English ...
When used as a first name, I see both in print: “DJ said to let him know when you were up." ref. As busy as I was, I took the time to stop and walk up to DJ and look him in the eye. ref. On our way home , Monique asked, "D.J., what do what do you think about me being queen of the ball?" ref. His room was very messy, but D.J. loved his room. ref.
etymology - Where does "the sky is falling" come from? - English ...
2016年2月9日 · According to Wikipedia the common expression "the sky is falling" is from a folk tale: Henny Penny, more commonly known in the United States as "Chicken Little" and sometimes as "Chicken Licken", is a folk tale with a moral in the form of a cumulative tale about a chicken who believes the world is coming to an end. The phrase "The sky is falling!"
single word requests - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
From Wikipedia: A pocket protector is a sheath designed to hold writing instruments and other small implements, while preventing them from damaging the wearer's shirt pocket (e.g., by tearing or staining by a leaky pen). The pocket protector is designed to fit neatly inside the breast pocket of a shirt, and may accommodate pens, pencils ...
What's the equivalent to "typo" in handwritten texts?
2014年9月14日 · I use the phrase slip of the pen. From Wiktionary: (idiomatic) A mistake in handwriting. Formally, there's always lapsus calami. From Oxford Dictionaries: formal A slip of the pen. Informally, you could get away with Janus Bahs Jacquet's suggestions or the like, apparently patterned after typo:
pronunciation - Could you clarify /e/ and /ɛ/? - English Language ...
2016年2月4日 · (Source: Wikipedia) In contrast, the British vowel chart has /e/ but doesn't have /ɛ/. See the below Received Pronunciation Vowel chart: (Source: Wikipedia) As you can see, the /e/ in British chart is in the position "mid-near front" whereas the /e/ in standard IPA is in the position "close-mid-near front". The confusing things are in the ...
etymology - Do these river names mean anything? - English …
2011年1月29日 · The word 'pen' means hill. Later, the next incomers changed the hill's name to 'Pendle', meaning 'hill hill'. And then the next incomers, not knowing the etymology (and sadly lacking an internet) called it Pendle Hill or 'hill hill hill', so Pendle Hill really, really, really is a hill, because anything said three times is the truth.
citation - Proper way to cite Wikipedia according to the Chicago …
In The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., it actually lists two ways to cite Wikipedia content.The first, in section 14.245, is of the form:
etymology - What is the origin of the counting prefixes: uni-, bi-/di ...
You are correct, they are from Latin and Greek, we have simply inherited terms from both. There is a good reference for Latin and Greek roots over at Wikipedia: Uni meaning one: un-, uni- one. language of origin: Latin. etymology: unus, unius. examples: unary, union. Bi/Di meaning two: bi- two. language of origin: Latin. etymology: bis, "twice ...