PTRS-41 - Wikipedia
The PTRS-41 (Russian: Противотанковое самозарядное ружьё образца 1941 года системы Симонова, romanized: Protivotankovoye samozaryadnoye ruzhyo obraztsa 1941 goda sistemy Simonova, lit. 'Anti-tank-self-loading gun pattern 1941, Simonov system') [4] is a World War II-era semi-automatic anti-tank rifle firing the 14.5×114mm cartridge.
PTRS-41: The Powerful WWII-Era Anti-Tank Gun Destroying …
2023年2月25日 · The PTRS-41 revolutionized Soviet firepower during World War II. Now, it's being used in the Russo-Ukrainian War with 80-year-old ammunition.
The PTRS 41 and Other and Russian Anti-Tank Rifles
2020年1月8日 · The two primary Soviet antitank rifles of the World War II era were the PTRD 41 (top) and the PTRS 41 (bottom). The PTRD-41 was a single-shot weapon, while the PTRS-41 was capable of semiautomatic fire.
PTRS-41反坦克步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PTRS-41 (俄语: Противотанковое самозарядное ружьё обр. 1941 г. системы Симонова,意為: 西蒙諾夫系統半自動反坦克步槍1941年型)是一款 蘇聯 研製的半自動 反坦克步槍,發射 14.5×114毫米 口徑槍彈,該槍與 PTRD-41 在同一年問世。 在大戰期間,蘇聯开始研究不同類型的反坦克 穿甲弹,在發現 12.7×108毫米 槍彈的不足後,他們開始研製更大口徑的 …
PTRS-41 - Military Wiki | Fandom
Designed in 1938 by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov, the PTRS-41 is a semi-automatic anti-tank rifle that was used along the Eastern Front in World War II and then used again in the Korean War and Chinese Civil War by various factions.
Soviet PTRS Semi-Automatic Anti-Tank Rifle - Rock Island Auction
The PTRS-41 platform found a second life in the form of the SKS semi-automatic rifle, which took the PTRS-41 action and scaled it down to a shoulder arm chambered for use with the 7.62x39mm cartridge.
PTRS 41: The Soviet Semiauto Antitank Rifle (aka an SKS on …
2022年12月14日 · The Simonov design became the PTRS-41, a 5-shot semiauto offering more firepower but also taking longer to produce. The Degtyarev entered service first, with the first substantial deliveries of PTRS rifles arriving in 1942.
PTRD-41 - Wikipedia
'Anti-tank self-loading gun pattern 1941, Degtyaryov system') is an anti-tank rifle that was produced and used from 1941 by the Soviet Red Army during World War II. It is a single-shot weapon which fires the 14.5×114 mm round, which was able to penetrate German tanks such as the Panzer III and early models of the Panzer IV.
Simonov PTRS 1941 (PTRS-41) - Military Factory
2021年8月15日 · Simonov produced the PTRS-41 (or "PTRS 1941") anti-tank rifle for the Red Army during World War 2. While allied with Germany during their conquering of Poland in September of 1939, the two nations were at odds with one another after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June of 1941.
Simonov PTRS-41 Anti-Tank Rifle | World War II Database
In 1938, Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov designed the PTRS-41 semi-automatic gas operated anti-tank rifles, which entered production in 1941. Initially effective against early German tanks, like their PTRD-41 cousins, they were unable to penetrate the thicker armor of later German tanks.
The PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle in 14.5×114 mm caliber
2023年4月10日 · The PTRS-41 remains, even today, a weapon with impressive capabilities that prefigures among the modern anti-materiel rifle. Obviously, in anti-tank warfare, these piercing capabilities clearly cannot be matched by the HEAT charge …
PTRS 41: The Soviet Semiauto Antitank Rifle (aka an SKS on …
2022年12月14日 · https://utreon.com/c/forgottenweapons/http://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeaponshttp://www.floatplane.com/channel/ForgottenWeaponsCool Forgotten Weapons merch! ...
PTRS-41 - Call of Duty Wiki
The PTRS-41 is a gas-operated, anti-tank rifle that was originally used by the Soviet Armed Forces during World War II. It appears in Call of Duty as a mounted weapon and later reappears in Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: WWII and Call of...
PTRS-41 - Quartermaster Section
The PTRS-41 (Protivo Tankovoye Ruzhyo Simonov) was a semi-automatic anti-tank rifle which had a five round magazine. It was issued in the same way as the single shot PTRD-41 and both weapons had a similar performance.
Simonov PTRS 1941 (PTRS-41): Photos, History, Specification
Following the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, Simonov produced the PTRS-41 (or "PTRS 1941") anti-tank rifle for the Red Army during World War II. The Soviet military industry was driven to develop every imaginable attempt to repel the total annihilation of the invading German army by means of warfare.
Simonow PTRS-41 – Wikipedia
Die PTRS war eine Panzerbüchse, die in der Sowjetunion entwickelt und eingesetzt wurde. Die Abkürzung steht für Protiwotankowoje Ruschjo Simonowa (russisch Противотанковое ружьё Симонова, zu deutsch Simonow-Panzergewehr). Die PTRS wurde 1941 von Sergei Gawrilowitsch Simonow konstruiert.
14.5 mm PTRS-41: - Sub-Standard
Designed in 1938, the 14.5mm armour-piercing bullet had a muzzle velocity of 1012 m/s. It could penetrate an armour plate up to 40mm thick at a distance of 100 metres. It also had good ballistics.
Tank Archives: PTRS Penetration
2015年10月6日 · Engineer Simonov proposed an anti-tank rifle that is both simply designed and powerful. During trials at NIPSVO, the following characteristics were recorded: The penetration of this rifle is sufficient to fight enemy light and medium tanks, as demonstrated in …
Simonov PTRS-41 Anti-Tank Rifle | World War II Database
2024年12月29日 · In 1938, Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov designed the PTRS-41 semi-automatic gas operated anti-tank rifles, which entered production in 1941. Initially effective against early German tanks, like their PTRD-41 cousins, they were unable to penetrate the thicker armor of later German tanks.
Le fusil antichar PTRS-41 de calibre 14,5×114 mm
2023年4月10日 · Le PTRS-41 reste, encore de nos jours une arme aux capacités impressionnantes qui préfigure parmi le fusil antimatériel moderne. Évidemment, dans la lutte antichar, ces capacités de perforation ne peuvent clairement pas rivaliser avec la (ou les !) charge-creuse(s) portée(s) par un obus, une roquette ou un missile.
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