Progress on the UoS PL-BWO Experiment - IEEE Xplore
2023年5月25日 · The University of Strathclyde (UoS), UK, is currently developing a novel Phase-Locked X-band Backward Wave Oscillator (PL-BWO), operating at a low confining-field of ~0.3T, with the aim of implementation as the microwave source(s) in a phase-synchronous array.
Photoluminescent property of mechanically milled BaWO4 …
2007年10月1日 · For the first time a strong and broad photoluminescence (PL) has been measured at room temperature for mechanically milled BWO powder and interpreted by ground-state quantum mechanical calculations in the density functional theory framework.
Enhanced charge transfer and photocatalytic activity of BiOBr/Bi
2024年5月15日 · Mott-Schottky curves prove that BiOBr and BWO are coupled to form p-n heterojunctions. The formation of a p-n heterojunction is the key factor in enhancing the photocatalytic properties of composite materials. This heterojunction effectively inhibits the recombination of photogenerated charges and improves the utilization of quantum energy.
Progress on the UoS PL-BWO experiment — University of …
The University of Strathclyde (UoS), UK, is currently developing a novel Phase-Locked X-band Backward Wave Oscillator (PL-BWO), operating at a low confining-field of ~0.3T, with the aim of implementation as the microwave source (s) in a phase-synchronous array.
One-step hydrothermal process for fabrication of Bi2WO6/basic …
2025年2月1日 · A new structure composed of Bi 2 WO 6 and basic bismuth nitrate, abbreviated as BWO/BBN composite, is made by a one-step hydrothermal process, with sodium borohydride (NaBH 4) serving as the reducing agent. The composites were characterized using several techniques, including FT-IR, DRS, SEM, TEM, XPS, and XRD.
原创改进直接用!|多策略改进的白鲸优化器(MSBWO),含函数测试,工程设计问题,消融实验MATLAB_bwo …
2024年2月17日 · 前面的文章中KAU介绍了2022年发表在中科院1区期刊KBS上的 优化算法 ——白鲸优化算法 (Beluga Whale Optimization,BWO) [1],该算法与15种优化算法在30个基准函数和4个真实 优化问题 上进行测试,均显示出其惊艳的性能。 但BWO也和其他算法一样,在某些复杂场景(可以结合你们的应用场景进行描述)中存在收敛速度慢、全局探索能力不足、易陷入局部最优的问题。 因此本文针对BWO提出4点改进,并将其应用于函数测试、工程设计问题测试, …
Photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra of Bi2WO6 and …
The obtained BWO/Ag2O/CQDs heterostructure showed excellent adsorption and remarkably enhanced photocatalytic performance in the photodegradation of antibiotic tetracycline (TC) under visible ...
钨酸铋微晶中对称诱导光致发光的增强,Materials Letters - X-MOL
不同样品获得的 pl 强度各不相同,使用聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 (pvp) 制造的 bwo 获得的强度最高。 使用拉曼光谱,观察到微晶对称性从 P2 1 ab 到 B2cb 的变化,并发现这是光致发光增加的原因。
22年中科院1区算法|白鲸优化器BWO原理及其利用与改 …
2024年2月12日 · 白鲸优化算法 (Beluga Whale Optimizer, BWO) 是一种基于群体智能的元启发式优化算法,它模拟了白鲸(Beluga whales)的捕食行为、社会互动以及迁移模式,以解决复杂的优化问题。
白鲸优化(BWO)算法(含MATLAB代码) - CSDN博客
2023年3月23日 · 白鲸优化 (Beluga Whale Optimization, BWO)算法是2022年提出的一种新的群 智能优化算法,由大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部工程力学系的李刚教授团队设计并提出,发表在KBS上。 它的原始参考文献如下: “ Zhong C, Li G, Meng Z. Beluga whale optimization: A novel nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022: 109215. 白鲸是生活在海洋中的鲸类,因能发出多种不同的声音而获得“海洋金丝雀”的称号。 白鲸也被称为“极 …