PK machine gun - Wikipedia
The PKT (ПК Танковый, "PK Tank") (1968) is a solenoid-fired coaxial version of PK to replace the SGMT Goryunov vehicle-mounted machine gun. Modifications include the removal of the stock, a longer (722 mm (28.4 in)) and heavier barrel that adds 30 m/s (98 ft/s) muzzle velocity, a gas regulator and an electric solenoid trigger.
The Soviet Army – PKT Tank Machine Gun
2005年12月23日 · The PKT is the tank-mounted version of the PK. Late-model Soviet tanks, turreted APCs and ICVs, and amphibious scout cars mount it as a coaxial machine gun. It has a longer and heavier barrel than the PK. It also lacks the …
轻武器科普之PK/PKM系列通用机枪简介 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
PKS/PKMS是配轻型三脚架作重机枪状态的PK/PKM,任何PK或PKM都可以加上三脚架转换为PKS/PKMS。 PKT/PKMT是在坦克上用作并列机枪,没有握把和枪托。 采用PKT的装甲车辆包括T-72和T-80主战坦克及BMP步兵战车。 PKB/PKMB是车载机枪,其实就是以车辆上的武器支架代替PKS的三脚架。 在冷战时期,PK系列机枪广泛分布到世界各地,并在许多地区冲突中使用。 PK系列机枪也被许多苏联/俄罗斯以外的国家生产,如:保加利亚、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、中 …
Tankograd: PKT (PKTM) Machine Gun - Blogger
After its acceptance into service in 1961, the PKT (GRAU index 6P7) was used as the standard machine gun for enclosed Soviet armoured fighting vehicles. Mass production of the PKT began at the Kovrov Mechanical Plant in 1963, one year after production of the PK began, although the technical documentation for the entire PK family had been ...
PK通用機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PK通用機槍 (俄语: Пулемёт Калашникова, 羅馬化:Pulemyot Kalashnikova, 直译: 卡拉什尼科夫機槍)是由 AK突擊步槍 的設計者 米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫 在1961年設計的 通用機槍,用於取代當時設計老舊的 RPD輕機槍 和 SG-43中型機槍,並大量裝備 蘇聯 軍隊。 在北约各国的武器配置中, FN MAG (M240)、 M60 以及 MG3 起到类似PK通用机枪在苏联(华约)武器配置中 …
PKT - Weaponsystems.net
The PKT is a vehicle machine gun of Soviet origin. It was developed in the 1960's to replace the SGMT as a vehicle mounted coaxial weapon. The PKT was derived from the PK general purpose machine gun.
PK Machine Gun: A Soviet general-purpose machine gun - Spec …
2022年1月10日 · The PK machine gun was the Soviet Army’s first general-purpose machine gun, a concept widely adopted elsewhere but long resisted by the Soviets since they were reluctant to discard anything and had a vast collection of old medium machine guns to wear out before adopting the PK machine gun.
PKT坦克用机枪 - 百度百科
PKT(Pulemyot Kalashnikova Tankoviy,俄文ПКТ)是PK的车载型 PKT坦克机枪 (1962年) ,由于苏联军队要统一轻武器,郭留诺夫SGMT坦克机枪也在1962年由PKT机枪所代替。
PK / PKM - Forgotten Weapons
2012年12月14日 · Modernized PK machine gun (PKM) In 1969, the design was revised and given the new designation PKM (modernized), along with the PKMS and PKMT. The new version was lightened to 16.5 pounds (down from 19.8), and can be distinguished by a short flash hider, smooth barrel, and ribbed top cover (the original PK has a half fluted barrel, smooth top ...
PK 轻机枪 - 枪炮世界
PK系列通用机枪(Pulemyot Kalashnikova,俄文为ПК)是卡拉什尼科夫于1950年代根据AK-47突击步枪工作原理设计的通用机枪,1959年先是少量装备苏军的机械化步兵连,1966年后,苏军正式用PK代替RP-46连用机枪及SGM营属机枪,其后原华沙条约国家也相继装备PK系列。 PK系列有多种型号,可以完成不同的功能。 用 两脚架作 轻 机枪 状态 的称 为 PK,配轻型三脚架作重机枪 状态 的称 为 PKS,在坦克上作并列机枪的称为PKT,在装甲输送车上的机枪称PKB。