PHL-03 - Wikipedia
The PHL-03 is a truck-mounted self-propelled 12-tube 300 mm long-range multiple rocket launcher of the People's Republic of China. The system is beginning to be replaced by the more modular and newer PHL-16. The design is based on the Soviet-made BM-30 Smerch rocket artillery system.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The PHL-03 (Type 03) Chinese 300mm Multiple Rocket Launcher (MRL) is a replica of the Russian 9K58 Smerch. The PHL-03 MRL system consists of rockets, launch tube groups, launch...
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The PKT is a solenoid-fired coaxial version of PK to replace the SGMT Goryunov vehicle-mounted machine gun. Modifications include the removal of the stock, a longer and heavier barrel, a gas regulator, and an electric solenoid trigger.
PHL-03 300 mm long-range rocket - GlobalSecurity.org
China's PHL-03 (export-numbered AR2) is a 12 round 300 mm Multi Launch Rocket System (MLRS), developed by the China North Industries Corporation. Judging from the appearance,...
PHL03 - Weaponsystems.net
The PHL03 is a multiple rocket launcher of Chinese origin. It was developed to supplement and replace older long range artillery systems in Chinese service. The design is a further development of the A100 / PHL96 system developed in the mid 1990's, which in turn was heavily inspired by the Soviet BM-30 Smerch system.
NORINCO PHL-03 8x8 Wheeled Multiple Launch Rocket System …
2022年4月15日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the NORINCO PHL-03 8x8 Wheeled Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) including pictures.
中国装备志——PHL03型远程火箭炮 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
PHL03型远程火箭炮,定型于2003年并与次年开始列装部队,为我国第一型大批量制造的大口径远程火箭炮,满足了我陆军部队对敌方远纵深的火力需求,能在高原,沙漠等地域全天候作战,目前广泛装备于新疆,西藏和东南地区陆军,主要由中国兵器工业集团旗下江山重工集团进行装配。 其研制历程较为艰辛,1989年部队有关部门决定研发我军新一代远程火箭炮,这个时候我国经 …
PHL-03自行火箭炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PHL-03自行火箭炮 是 中华人民共和国 的一款12管300毫米口径远程 火箭炮 系统。 以1990年代引进 俄罗斯 制 БМ-30 (9К58)型“龙卷风”火箭炮技术为基础仿制,装备 中国人民解放军陆军 集团军 级炮兵师/旅部队(每个营装备12门),2004年左右入役,军方通常简称是“300远火”。 最初流传其未经官方证实的名称为“PHL-96”,或许是研制方案论证时的命名,或许是早期原型车与后 …
NORINCO PHL-03: Photos, History, Specification
The PHL-03 is an upgraded version of the American M270 MLRS vehicle. The PHL-03 is a heavy 8x8 vehicle weighing 43 tons. It has a launcher assembly that can hold 12 rockets. The vehicle has a crew of at least four people and features a diesel powerplant with 500 horsepower.
PHL-03自行火箭炮 - 百度百科
phl-03自行火箭炮(英文:phl-03 mlrs,外贸型号:ar-2,简称:03自行火箭炮)是21世纪初期中国发展的新一代多管火箭炮。 PHL03火箭炮系统在2004至2005年左右进入解放军服役,同时向国际军品市场进军。
PHL03 300mm Multiple Launch Rocket System - Military Wiki
The PHL03 (Type 03, also known as AR2 in its export name) is the 12-tube 300mm multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) developed by NORINCO. The PHL03 highly resembles the Russian 9K58 Smerch rocket system in appearance.
PHL-03 PCH-191 PHL-16这三种火箭炮有什么区别? - 知乎
PHL-03要一枚一枚装填,耗时耗人力而且及其占用装填车,必须1对1来装填且还必须有足够的空间来完成尾对尾的姿势。 PHL-03模块化就能像PHZ-11那样直接起重机吊装火箭弹模组装填,空间,人力,时间等都能节省很多。 03式基本就是国产龙卷风,射程150,191达到300,并通用发射架用 火龙弹 后后基本就是弹道导弹,在集团军级别可以代替03式远火和 东风11。 16式和191看 …
China Leads Asia in MLRS Firepower - 24/7 Wall St.
2024年10月11日 · Aside from having a sizable MLRS army, China also has a fairly advanced force as well with a majority of these being domestically produced. One of the more advanced units is the PHL-03, a system...
Cambodia receives PHL-03 & Type 90B MLRS, SH1 155mm SPH, …
The Royal Cambodian Army (RCA) appears to have receive the PHL-03 300mm multiple launch rocket system (MLRS), Type 90B 122mm MLRS, and SH1 155mm self-propelled howitzer systems from China. These were confirmed by videos and photographs emerging online on 25 May 2022, showing new military vehicles at Sihanoukville Port.
China's PHL-03 long-range multiple rocket launcher in 60 sec
2021年6月1日 · This is China's PHL-03 long-range multiple rocket launcher (MRL). It is a 12-tube 300 mm MLR, mainly for destroying strategic group targets, like troops, airfields, and command centers. It can also be used to engage in counter-battery fire missions.
AR3 / PHL-16 - 300/370/750 mm - GlobalSecurity.org
2021年1月8日 · Among the heavy firepower weapons of the People's Liberation Army, the PHL-03 type (foreign trade model AR-2) long-range rocket launcher has the longest range. It is almost tailor-made for the...
PHL-03 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The PHL-03 is a truck-mounted self-propelled 12-tube 300 mm long-range multiple rocket launcher of the People's Republic of China. The system is beginning to be replaced by the more modular and newer PHL-16. The design is based on the Soviet-made BM-30 Smerch rocket artillery system.
New PHL-03 rocket launcher system delivered to Chinese Army's …
2021年5月10日 · A unit affiliated with the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Xinjiang Military Command deployed in a high-altitude plateau recently replaced its outdated artillery with digital, long-range heavy rocket artillery, greatly enhancing its all-weather combat capability in …
PHL-03自行火箭炮 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
PHL-03火箭炮是以9K58自走多管火箭炮車設計進行國產化,底盤換用國內廠商 萬山特車 開發的WS2400型 八輪驅動 載重車, [1] 火箭砲發射裝置與原版雷同,採用一組12管300公厘多管火箭發射架;左右4管以對稱 矩形 配置、上方4管呈單排排列,火箭發射管可一次全部擊發,也可以單發射擊。 由於系統專利向俄國採購,PHL-03配備的火箭彈最初有部分俄國製品,後續服役已全 …
PHL-03 | Strategic Bureau of Information
Le PHL-03 est la version chinoise du lance-roquettes multiple russe BM-30 Smerch. Le système d’arme est installé sur le châssis à roues 8×8 Wanshan WS2400. Il peut recevoir une large variété de roquettes : explosive, thermobarique, à sous-munition antichar ou anti-personnel.