arduino - Proper usage of PC817 Optocoupler - Electrical …
2020年1月4日 · This 3.7 VDC is fed to the input of optocoupler PC817 pin 1 and 2. On the output, I wanted to read the high and low through an Arduino connected to pin 3 and 4 of the optocoupler. I was planning to pass in 5 VDC from the Arduino to …
Operation of PC817 - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Perhaps your friend is comparing the photo transistor-output PC817 to the type of opto coupler that has an logic output type IC or a photodiode driving a transistor on the output. For example this one. They're typically specified in Mbaud and are more suited for high speed logic signals.
PC817 input features - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
The PC817 has a reverse voltage rating (V R) of 6 V, so it would blow up. You could instead use the PC814, which has similar characteristics, but an AC input with two antiparallel LEDs: Alternatively, just put a diode like that in the front of the PC817. (Then the output of the PC817 would switch on only every second half wave.)
How to find a fast optocoupler (or how to read the datasheet)
2022年5月20日 · PC817 is more suited for isolating PLC inputs and that sort of hundreds of microseconds to millisecond response isolation. For 400kHz, forget about using the PC817. \$\endgroup\$ – Spehro 'speff' Pefhany
ESP32 opto-isolated relay board not working - PC817 opto …
2022年10月2日 · Each PC817 opto-isolator is controlled by a GPIO of ESP32. The ESP32 is powered at 3.3 V while the relay circuit is powered at 5 V. The board is powered by an external 5V power adapter with nominal output of 2A; 5V to 3.3V conversion is done on the board by a MP1584EN step-down converter such as this one .
How to get 3.3 output voltage in PC817 opto coupler?
2015年7月17日 · I am using PC817 opto coupler. I want a 3.3 output voltage. In its 1st pin I am giving 12volt and 2nd pin is gnd. I have connected a pull down resistor on 3rd pin. But i am confused because when I am giving 3.3volt on 4th pin, and I am checking output from 3rd pin which is 1.5volt. How can I get 3.0 - 3.3volt output on 3rd pin.
How should trigger the 5V relay with an ESP8266? Using PC817 or ...
2020年1月29日 · In schematic 1, the relay is triggered using PC817 optocoupler. In schematic 2, the relay is triggered using MMBT3906 NPN transistor directly. Schematic 2 Which is best approach in terms of reliability and safe circuit. What are the pros and cons of both approaches?
Isolated digital input to microcontroller using optocoupler
2022年10月12日 · With these parameters, you can estimate the R2 value in the network SENSOR_OUT, R2, PC817 pin1 of your drawing. Take the typical forward voltage of 1.2V and the current of 20mA. This resistor is required if your sensor can sink current too great for your optocoupler and you should constrain the current to the values specified in the datasheet ...
opto isolator - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2021年4月27日 · This is the optocoupler(PC817) I used and this figure is Current Transfer Ratio vs. Forward Current. There are my questions: 1.) How to decide the CTR value, because the forward current will change when the circuit is in the closed-loop control.
PWM with PIC817 driving MOSFET seems to be too slow (LED …
2024年6月10日 · I want to drive a MOSFET (IRFZ44N) with an optocoupler (PC817) to control the brightness of an 50 W 12 V LED. The PWM is generated by an ESP8266, 1 kHz. Following schematic is used: In general it works, but PWM set to 10% does not result in 10% brightness of the LED. I expect it be much darker.