How to use the PC Health Check app - Microsoft Support
PC Health Check app brings you up to date info on your Windows device health, helping you take action to improve your device performance and troubleshoot performance problems. It is periodically updated based on customer feedback to help …
KB5005463—PC Health Check Application - Microsoft Support
2022年4月21日 · PC Health Check includes diagnostics to monitor device health and troubleshooting to improve performance, all from the convenience of a single dashboard. Key features include: Windows 11 eligibility: Provides a comprehensive eligibility check based on the minimum system requirements for Windows 11.
How to check if your device meets Windows 11 system …
The easiest way to see if a device meets the requirements for Windows 11 after making hardware changes to the device is with the PC Health Check app: Download and install the PC Health Check app. The PC Health Check app can be downloaded from the following link:
Device Performance and Health in the Windows Security App
A green check means everything is fine, but if you see a yellow mark that means something needs attention. Select the item to review any recommendations. For help resolving performance issues on your Windows PC, see Tips to improve PC performance in Windows
Cómo usar la aplicación Comprobación de estado del PC
Si ejecutas Windows 10, Comprobación de estado del PC verificará de forma exhaustiva la elegibilidad de tu dispositivo para asegurarse de que cumpla los requisitos mínimos del sistema de Windows 11. Tendrás información sobre por qué tu dispositivo es apto o no, y sobre qué puedes hacer si el dispositivo no cumple los requisitos.
Como usar o aplicativo Verificação de integridade do PC
Se você estiver executando o Windows 10, a Verificação de integridade do PC fornece uma verificação de qualificação abrangente para seu dispositivo para garantir que ele atenda aos requisitos mínimos do sistema Windows 11. Você obterá informações sobre por que seu dispositivo é ou não qualificado, além de informações sobre o ...
如何使用電腦健康情況檢查應用程式 - Microsoft 支援服務
如何開啟 [電腦健康情況檢查] 在 Windows 中,使用任務欄上的 [搜尋] 來搜尋 計算機健康情況檢查,然後從結果清單中選取它。. 如果有可用的 [電腦健康情況檢查] 更新,您可以快速安裝最新版本。
Comment utiliser l’application Contrôle d’intégrité du PC
Si votre PC fonctionne actuellement sous Windows 10, l’application Contrôle d'intégrité du PC vous permet d’effectuer une vérification complète de l’éligibilité de votre appareil afin de vous assurer qu’il répond à la configuration minimale requise pour Windows 11.
如何使用电脑健康状况检查应用 - Microsoft 支持
如果当前正在运行 Windows 10,则电脑健康状况检查将对设备进行全面的资格检查,以确保其满足 Windows 11 最低系统要求。 你将收到有关设备为何符合或不符合条件的信息,以及有关设备不符合要求时可执行的操作的信息。
KB5005463 — Application de contrôle d’intégrité des PC
2022年4月21日 · Pc Health Check inclut des diagnostics pour surveiller l’intégrité des appareils et la résolution des problèmes afin d’améliorer les performances, le tout à partir de la commodité d’un tableau de bord unique.