All the music from RA in scores.mix - OpenRA
2011年2月26日 · I've downloaded and unzipped the file looked in my Openra folder but there isn't a content/ra directory so I'm a bit stumped. I've tried adding it directly to the main Openra directory and also creating content/ra and putting it there but it doesn't seem to be recognised. Any pointers would be great! Thanks.
Red Alert Global League: Season 11 - Rulebook - OpenRA
2018年9月5日 · 4.1.9 Rules from the OpenRA Competitive server also apply to in-game chat and player names - don't be a dick. Failure to comply with this rule will result in disqualification. 4.2 Map pool 4.2.1 Map pool consists of 10-12 maps specifically uploaded to the Resource Centre and marked as "Category: RAGL 11" and explicit naming and thumbnail ...
Updating Official OpenRA RA map pool - OpenRA
2021年11月8日 · It is supposed to be an introduction for newer & singleplayer players about what OpenRA RA is about and what it can offer. Keep in mind that the map pool is redundant to a large chuck of players so it is best to keep it compact and focused.
Who have some Campaign or Mission maps for cnc? - OpenRA
2011年11月3日 · OpenRA. OpenRA is a GPLv3 real time strategy game engine which recreates the look and feel of the original C&C games.
Action Ready map pack and MapModder script - OpenRA
2019年12月16日 · I hereby thank you all (the mapmakers) for all the tremendous work you have done in openra. MapModder script For those who made by the past, modifications on maps to test some models, principles or just other game rules (balance changes) in yaml, you know how tedious it can be to apply your changes to 1 and even more tedious several files.
Dune 2000 - Beginners guide to all three AI bots - OpenRA
2015年1月18日 · This is my first post and I'd like to start by saying thank you for openRA -- It is something that I recently discovered and it is truly a gem! So, if you're a beginner at Dune2k, you can try copying this build as practice vs the AI. Blitzkrieg: Harkonnen vs Omnius/Vidius/Gladius AI ~~~~~ Build Overview: ~~~~~
Livestreams & Youtube accounts for OpenRA
2014年8月18日 · Tiberian Sun videos on youtube: #1 multiplayer games, commented, #2 - 12 hour cast, also containing TS, OpenrA & TD, multiplayer commented; Non OpenRA Twitch Streams Long list of C&C Twitch streamers, many non OpenRA Downloadsite for Replays Link to OpenRA replays downloadsite.
Full Campaign - OpenRA
2021年11月30日 · Hi openra team. I am a little sad to discover that the campaign is not complete. I have the regret of not having finished the game and this time I was determined. BUT when I read you have to recreate manually the missions I was quite shocked. I didn't notice until now! What I mean is that the missions that are available are so good.
Music Files - OpenRA
2016年6月30日 · OpenRA. OpenRA is a GPLv3 real time strategy game engine which recreates the look and feel of the original C&C games.
Red Alert freezes without any reason - OpenRA
2018年9月28日 · A lot of people have experienced this issue, I did too on one of the laptops, started when I updated the graphics card. To my knowledge, there is no fix except keeping your graphics driver on the version that works if you can spot it. Also, this keeps changing with the openra version, on and off.