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  1. Copilot 答案
    What Is Cyberbullying | StopBullying.gov

    Cyberbullying is bullying that happens online or through digital devices. Learn what cyberbullying is, how it differs from other types of bullying, and what laws and policies apply to it.


    With the prevalence of social media and digital forums, comments, photos, posts, and content shared by individuals can often be viewed by strangers as well as acquaintances. The content an individual shares online – both their personal content as well as any negative, mean, or hurtful content – creates a kind of permanent public record of their vie...


    All states have laws requiring schools to respond to bullying. As cyberbullying has become more prevalent with the use of technology, many states now include cyberbullying, or mention cyberbullying offenses, under these laws. Schools may take action either as required by law, or with local or school policies that allow them to discipline or take ot...


    There are two sources of federally collected data on youth bullying: 1. The 2019 School Crime Supplementto the National Crime Victimization Survey (National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice) indicates that, nationwide, about 16 percent of students in grades 9–12 experienced cyberbullying. 2. The 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveil...
