2025年3月2日 · Jo in the Ou r La dy of Lour de s grow ing onl ine co mmu nity! He re s how : Na viga te to Fa ce boo k and type OLO L Su n City We st into the se arch bar to find Ou rLa dy of Lour des . Click the Like an d Follow bu ttons . On the Follow dropdow n me nu, ch oo se See first and yo u ll alwa ys get Ou rLad y of Lo urde s upda tes at the top of yo ur
2025年2月9日 · Join the Our La dy of Lour de s growi ng online communit y! + HUH·VKRZ x 1 DY LJDWH WR)DF HERR NDQGW \SHµ 2 /2 /6XQ& LW\:H VW¶LQWRWK H search bar to find O ur La dy of Lourdes . x & OLFNWKH³/L NH´DQ G³)ROO RZ ´E XWWRQV x 2 QWKH³) ROORZ ´GU RSGRZQ PH QX F KR RV H³6 HH ILUVW´DQG \RX¶OO alw ay s get O ur Lad y of Lourd es …
2024年11月24日 · ADDRESS 19002 N . 128t h Ave . S u n City We st, A Z 853 75 PHONE 623 -546 -2767 W eb site: ww w .ololscw. org Face book: w ww .fac eb ook.co m /O urL ad yofL ourdesSC W Flo ck note: tex t O L L S C W T to 84576
The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church - Our Lady of …
The Sacrament of Confirmation “And while staying with them Jesus charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, He said, ‘You heard from me, for John baptized with water, but before many days you …
- [PDF]
2024年12月22日 · ADDRESS 19002 N . 128t h Ave . S u n City We st, A Z 853 75 PHONE 623 -546 -2767 W eb site: ww w .ololscw. org Face book: w ww .fac eb ook.co m /O urL ad yofL ourdesSC W Flo ck note: tex t O L L S C W T to 84576
2024年10月6日 · ADDRESS 19002 N . 128t h Ave . S u n City We st, A Z 853 75 W eb site: ww w .ololscw. org Face book: w ww .fac eb ook.co m /O urL ad yofL ourdesSC W Flo ck note: tex t O L L S C W T to 84576
2024年7月14日 · ADDRESS 19002 N . 128t h Ave . S u n City We st, A Z 853 75 PHONE 623 -546 -2767 W eb site: ww w .ololscw. org Face book: w ww .fac eb ook.co m /O urL ad yofL ourdesSC W Flo cknote: text ollscw to 84576
2024年9月29日 · ADDRESS 19002 N . 128t h Ave . S u n City We st, A Z 853 75 PHONE 623 -546 -2767 W eb site: ww w .ololscw. org Face book: w ww .fac eb ook.co m /O urL ad yofL ourdesSC W Flo ck note: tex t O L L S C W T to 84576
2024年8月4日 · ADDRESS 19002 N . 128t h Ave . S u n City We st, A Z 853 75 PHONE 623 -546 -2767 W eb site: ww w .ololscw. org Face book: w ww .fac eb ook.co m /O urL ad yofL ourdesSC W Flo ck note: tex t O L L S C W T to 84576
2024年10月27日 · Jo in the Our La dy of Lo urde s grow ing on line co mmu nity! +HUH ·VKRZ x 1DYLJD WHWR)D FH ERRN DQGW\SH¶2/2 /6 XQ&LW\:HVW·LQW R the search b ar to find Ou r Lady of Lourde s. x &OLFNWK H´/LNHµDQG´)ROORZµ EXWWRQV x 2Q WKH´)ROORZ µG URS GRZQPH QX FKRRVH ´6 HHILUVWµD QG \RX ·OODOZD\V JHW2X U/ DG\R …