Zuko | Avatar Wiki | Fandom
2010年10月19日 · Zuko was a Fire Nation royal and firebending master who reigned as Fire Lord from 100 AG until his abdication in 167 AG. He was the eldest child and only son of Princess …
History of Zuko (99 AG – 100 AG) | Avatar Wiki | Fandom
Zuko was the former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation.[1][2] At thirteen, his father challenged a young Zuko to an Agni Kai for speaking out of turn at a meeting where the young prince would …
Zuko - Wikipedia
Zuko is the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, the eldest child of his father Fire Lord Ozai and mother Ursa, and the older brother of Princess Azula and half-sister Kiyi. Before the events of …
Zuko - Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Pursued by Azula, sixteen-year-old Zuko (serving as an anti-hero and an antagonist) and Iroh travel the Earth Kingdom as impoverished refugees. After briefly quarreling with and parting …
Prince Zuko's Entire Backstory Explained - Looper
2020年6月24日 · This is Prince Zuko's entire backstory explained. The exiled heir to the throne of the Fire Nation grappled with concepts of loyalty, family, and pride in one of the most fleshed …
A Complete Timeline of Zuko's Life in Avatar: The Last Airbender
2024年10月22日 · Zuko's timeline spans his upbringing in his royal family to his antihero adventures across the world, hunting the Avatar for honor and prestige. Zuko's timeline helps …
Characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender - Zuko - TV Tropes
Determined to prove his worth to his father, Zuko hunted Aang across the world for the first season while trying to find his own destiny. Despite being an antagonist at the beginning, he …
History of Zuko (83 AG – 99 AG) | Avatar Wiki | Fandom
When Zuko was eleven years old, his cousin, Lu Ten, died in combat at Ba Sing Se. General Iroh, devastated by the loss of his only child, abandoned his 600-day siege of the Earth Kingdom …
Zuko | Nickelodeon | Fandom
Zuko is around 16 years old at the beginning of the series. His most prominent feature is a dark red scar over his left eye that extends over his ear, inflicted by his father, Ozai, when Zuko …
Zuko - Character Profile Wikia
Zuko is an antagonist turned protagonist from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Long ago, the Fire Nation broke the peace enjoyed between the four Kingdoms by declaring war on all of them in …