Clownfish Information and Pairing Guide - Nano-Reef Community
2007年1月19日 · ORA Farms is spearheading this program. Ocellaris are also commonly knows as "false percula clownfish", thought they are not a mimick fish as they have separate and non overlapping natural habitats. A. percula was described taxonomically in 1802 while ocellaris came along about 30 years later. Ocellaris Black Ocellaris
Ocellaris and Maroon Clownfish Pair? - Nano-Reef Community
2017年3月26日 · There are many natural hybrid clowns and now many produced in aquaria. Ocellaris x maroon are actually common - you can buy them at Liveaquaria.com for $39.95 each. There are photos there and on the ORA site. They have also been discussed and pictured in Coral magazine in designer clown articles.
Clownfish species, variants, and classification! - Fish Forum - Nano ...
2012年7月23日 · Now for the Ocellaris clownfish A. ocellaris Regular $10-$20 Pigmented iris is an easy to tell feature that distinguishes this species from Percula's, and taller dorsal finnage. Misbar $25 Misbarred clownfish are believed to be the product of clownfish fry in …
Clownfish fighting, normal or too much? - Nano-Reef Community
2017年10月26日 · i have 2 ocellaris clownfish (or percula, i cant thell the diference) for 2 months, got them really small, almost 1'' . i'll call them stripes and almost-stripes. Stripes was a little bigger than almost-stripes when i just got them, but not much. they used to almost never fight and almost-stripes always showd submissive.
Best hosting anemone for ocellaris? - Invertebrate Forum - Nano …
2011年11月17日 · The anemones they are normally associated with are Ritteri (Heteractis magnifica), Giant Carpet (Stichodactyla gigantea), and Merten's Carpet (Stichodactyla mertensii), all these anemones get very large
Clownfish ID!! Perc vs ocellaris - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
2021年9月15日 · The eyes. Percula will have darker eyes. Ocellaris will have more of an Orange eye (which yours looks to have.) Spinal fins. Percula will have 11, while Ocellaris will only have 10. No way to tell from your photos. Thickness of the black lines. Percula’s will have thin black lines, while Ocellaris will have thicker black lines.
Clownfish min tank size? 10, 20, 30? - Nano-Reef Community
2012年6月7日 · -Ocellaris Clownfish (False Percula)** (1, if you want a pair, move up to 10g+) -Percula Clownfish (True Percula)** (1, if you want a pair, move up to 10g+) I have a 12G and was thinking about putting a small pair in there, along with a …
"false" vs. "true" clowns - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
2003年10月21日 · The Black color morph of the Amphiprion ocellaris/percula group. I haven't seen any taxonomic work-up on this fish so what common name should we give it. Is it the black morph of A. ocellaris or A. percula. Of course we choose Black Morph of A. percula because percula is more endeared to humans than ocellaris. So, it becomes the "Black Percula".
New Ocellaris Clownfish swimming at surface at 45 degrees.
2012年6月11日 · I got 2 Ocellaris Clownfish for my 12g Edge on Friday. They seem like they're paired or going to be. The bigger of the two has been eating and is def chubbier than the smaller one. I have yet to see the smaller one eat :/ Otherwise, they've both been swimming around all parts of the tank.
Marine Betta with Ocellaris clownfish pair in a 30 gallon
2024年10月6日 · I am deciding on a trophy-fish for a 30 gallon display tank that already has a pair of ocellaris clownfish. I have rockwork with hiding spots. There’s quite a lot of opinions on the web against and for keeping these fish together, but it’s not always obvious what the specific circumstances were that led to success or failure.