pronunciation - Why is "oh" spelled "oh" and not "o"? - English ...
2011年8月9日 · There is no difference between the pronunciation of oh and o; in both the cases, the pronunciation is /oʊ/. Oh is used to express surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy; it is …
Etymology for “Mc‑” and “O’‑” prefix in surnames
2010年11月30日 · (What is true is that O' is almost exclusively Irish; despite the romantic notions we have of Scottish clans, they didn't use their clan affiliation in their names.) Edit: as for why …
"ou" versus "o" in spelling words like "color"/"colour"
The difference comes certainly from the country of origin of the writer — basically Americans write o and English people write ou. Please confirm that. Please confirm that. (By the way, all the …
orthography - How to specify the letter O, not a zero - English ...
2023年7月19日 · When listing by index letter, the convention is not to use upper- or lowercase letter O, (which, in some fonts, may be mistaken for zero) or uppercase I or lowercase letter l …
Rule for the pronunciation of the letter O as /ʌ/ vs. /ɒ/
Sometimes the letter o is redundant (country, southern, touch, young) or is accompanied by further irregularities (enough, hiccough, rough, slough, tough, one, once). There may be some …
Why are there 3 different ways to pronounce "oo"?
This o-sound is the origin of the spelling oo . Middle English /uː/ (usually spelled "ou" or "ow") mostly turned into the Early Modern English diphthong /aʊ/ via the Great Vowel Shift. …
Difference between "OK" and "okay" - English Language & Usage …
2011年5月17日 · O.K. was probably the first spelling (and there are dozens of theories about its origin). OK is an obvious shortening, maybe by somebody who had only heard the phrase. But …
Are "w/o", "w/", "b/c" common abbreviations in the US?
2013年5月30日 · Both "w/" and "w/o" were common U.S. abbreviations in correspondence, and in tight spots on data tables, until recently. "C/o" has always been used in addressing letters to …
Is there a common abbreviation for "with or without"? e.g. w/wo …
👉 Naked dogs come w/o buns 👉 Fries and rings available w±o/salt. And so you order yourself up: 1 redhot basket w/rings 1 bratwurst basket w/kraut 1 naked polish w/chili 3 redhots w/o onions 1 …
What does "five O" mean (and why)? - English Language & Usage …
2012年8月20日 · It comes from the American police show Hawaii Five-O; "five-o" has since become a slang term for police.In the show, "Five-O" is just a police unit, but the name itself …