opml package - GitHub
opml.parse -- turns OPML text into a JavaScript structure representing the OPML. opml.stringify -- takes the JavaScript structure and turns it into OPML text. opml.htmlify -- a simple routine to display outlines in HTML. opml.visitAll -- a routine that visits all the nodes in an outline.
Jackiexiao/my-rss-opml: 个人 RSS 订阅链接 - GitHub
feedly(全平台的RSS阅读器) 导入 rss.opml 这个文件。 ps: inoreader 我没用过; 强烈推荐 readwise reader! 非常好用,不过需要付费; 如果不会 ios 推荐使用 ego reader, 同样 导入 Opml; 安卓: feedme,它在设置里有一个 中国模式,可以免vpn,不过为了使用它,你同样需要一个 …
Online OPML editor and tools to view and manage feed lists easily
Manage your feed subscription lists more easily using a free online OPML editor with a simple and intuitive interface. View, edit, merge, clean, and organize your opml files online. Built to promote a more open web. No tracking, no ads, no sign-ups. Visit the web app here: opml.imadij.com
OPML: OPtimistic Machine Learning on Blockchain - GitHub
OPML enables off-chain AI model inference using optimistic approach with an on chain interactive dispute engine implementing fault proofs. For more in-depth information, refer to the project wiki . You can also find a tutorial on building a straightforward handwritten digit recognition DNN model (MNIST) within OPML in the docs/tutorial.md .
plenaryapp/awesome-rss-feeds: Awesome RSS feeds - GitHub
Awesome RSS feeds - A curated list of RSS feeds (and OPML files) used in Recommended Feeds and local news sections of Plenary - an RSS reader, article downloader and a podcast player app for android - plenaryapp/awesome-rss-feeds
EuDs63/TinyTinyRSS-OPML-to-MD-Table - GitHub
获取解析和转换Tiny Tiny RSS的OPML文件,并将其格式化为Markdown表格的自动化操作 - EuDs63/TinyTinyRSS-OPML-to-MD-Table
GitHub - jadmadi/Go-OPML: Go-OPML: A high-performance CLI …
Go-OPML is a command-line tool that converts OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) files to JSON format and optionally fetches RSS feeds for podcasts listed in the OPML file. Package Documentation The official package documentation is now available on pkg.go.dev .
edavis/org-opml: Edit OPML files using Org mode in Emacs - GitHub
It defines an OPML backend using Org mode’s export dispatcher. opml2org.py converts OPML to Org mode. It’s a Python script. org-opml.el handles all the necessary configuration. Also, as ox-opml.el is built using Org mode’s export dispatcher, you can perform a one-way Org mode -> OPML export by typing C-x C-e m in an open Org mode file.
GitHub - fnya/OPMLCore.NET: OPML Parser for .NET Core (C#)
OPML Parser for .NET Core (C#). Contribute to fnya/OPMLCore.NET development by creating an account on GitHub.
lotosbin/opml-list: 收集 整理 opml 列表 - GitHub
index.js 中会下载 收录的 opml 文件, 合并所有opml文件为一个 opml文件; 重新分类所有feed,生成分类/主题的 opml文件; 扩展opml协议支持rsshub使用的模板路径的订阅源,可以动态展开成固定的订阅源