who or what is O5-13 : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年5月24日 · Unfortunately that is the biggest flaw of the scp universe, there is no real consistent canon, and you can belive only the parts you belive are true, or you can say that the …
Who exactly is O5-13 : r/SCP - Reddit
2020年12月1日 · O5-13 likely would manage all of the minor things for the other Council members, as well as being a tie breaking vote. Kind of like a Council member in training. (Most …
SCP-001 [djkaktus]: The Children : r/SCPDeclassified - Reddit
2017年6月28日 · O5-13 expresses his thoughts about the 001 project, the weapon that could destroy anything from anywhere. Note the mention of "pulling out souls - and replacing them …
SCP-001: Captain Kirby's Proposal : r/SCPDeclassified - Reddit
2019年1月8日 · SCP-001 is the entity known as O5-13. The exact nature of SCP-001 is not yet known. The word choice here is very tactical. SCP-001 isn’t O5-13 himself, it’s the entity …
O5 Command Dossier : r/SCP - Reddit
Maybe? It depends. There is no canon 05 council, so there are many different versions of the council. In SCP-001 the oroboros cycle, 05-2 is known as the nazarene, because she is able …
What are all the (Living) 05's abilities? : r/SCP - Reddit
Two O5-13 are SCP-001 proposals, one is Death, one is possibly the one non-anomalous guy on the O5 council. But by defintion of what is anomalous, being abnormal. the one non-powered …
[New SCP-001 Proposal] Captain Kirby's Proposal - O5-13 : r/SCP
2018年11月10日 · I think O5-13 was an Overseer, and was just the most “normal” of the previous Overseers. Hence, O5-1 trusted him and spared him. And since he was the only O5 left along …
So I really want to know. What is everyone's favorite O5s from
2019年12月28日 · O5-13 "Tamlin" apart from 3 all of these have been at least previous O5s in my head cannon Edit: also in my headcannon Eve and The Founder tend to switch places as O5-1
What is the O5 council ? : r/SCP - Reddit
2021年1月7日 · The O5 Command's members are heavily classified. Their real identities are considered top secret. Each O5 has a designation, O5-1 to O5-13. O5 Council members are …
I dont know why i did this but. here are all the O5 in the ... - Reddit
2021年4月26日 · O5-13: "AI Complex". [Personal traits not applicable] O5-13 is an artificial intelligence construct. This AI construct (using a variety of anomalous technological and non …