how to use the nvvp (NVIDIA visual profiler)?
2019年6月7日 · hello. I want to use nvvp for checking to overlap between asynchronous copy and kernel execution. (I absolutely need visualization program, no Nsight…) so, my question is …
Nvvp: Internal profiling error 3959:999 - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2022年3月15日 · We know that 999 is: CUPTI_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 999 , so not really helpful. And I do call “cudaProfilerStop()” before calling ‘exit(0)’ as mentioned somewhere but doesn’t …
Visual Profiler and nvprof - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2025年2月10日 · The Visual Profiler is a cross-platform performance profiling tool that delivers developers vital feedback for optimizing CUDA C/C++ applications. The nvprof profiling tool …
Unable to import .nvvp file to Nvidia Visual Profiler
2018年8月22日 · I installed nvvp via sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-visual-profiler. The version is 7.5. However, I don’t know where I can find a compatibility matrix to install the correct version …
Cannot launch NVidia Visual Profiler
2017年3月1日 · No there is no .jar file in this directory. But your post sprout my curiosity and i got some ideas. So i checked the file nvvp.ini in there. I noticed that it was launching nvvp / …
Transitioning to Nsight Systems from NVIDIA Visual Profiler / …
2019年8月2日 · Originally published at: Transitioning to Nsight Systems from NVIDIA Visual Profiler / nvprof | NVIDIA Technical Blog The Nsight suite of profiling tools now supersedes the …
nvvp connect to remote server through an ssh proxy
2014年11月27日 · I’m refering to nvvp. I’m just trying to launch locally nvvp and then set up the remote connection to an end target machine which I can’t ssh directly (it is a computing node …
bash: nvvp: command not found - NVIDIA Developer Forums
2018年10月14日 · I’m currently running nvvp from a host machine and generating the profiles on TX1. The nvvp library and binary don’t get compiled/installed/copied for cuda 9.0 on TX1. But …
Visual profiler installation in Ubuntu 20.04 fixed, some tips
2021年8月19日 · I finally got visual profiler working in fresh Ubuntu 20.04 installation. For helping all other people in similar situation, and for a small request for Nvidia, here are some remarks. …
Nvvp CheckForInstalledJavaRuntimes while java is installed
2025年2月18日 · Hi, I encounter this problem when running nvidia visual profiler on Mac os. I downloaded the nvvp tool from Developer Tools Download Center | NVIDIA Developer, …