GitHub - cityxen/nnbbs128: NNBBS for the Commodore 128
No Name BBS for the Commodore 128. Originally written in 1991, and salvaged a couple of years ago around 2019 from 1571 disks. Now, transferred to 1571 disk images, and added to a new git repo. Hopefully we can work on this program and get it working with support for modern add ons such as the Ultimate products, and other things. Deadline CityXen.
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Yandex — a fast Internet search
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List of bulletin board systems - Wikipedia
This is an incomplete list of notable bulletin board systems: . CBBS – the first BBS on record, established 1978; Celco 51 – used by the United States Secret Service during the Operation Cybersnare sting; Demon Roach Underground – popular hacker BBS and former home of the CULT OF THE DEAD COW; ExecPC BBS – America's largest dial-up BBS through the late 1980s
(转)安全技术:破解无线路由密码 - ymmt - 博客园
2010年5月29日 · 无线网络破解1.先确认你的网卡是否支持BT3,BT4,如果不支持就换个卡,推荐USB的,最好可以换天线,这样信号不好的时候可以增加天线获取好的信号.BT3网卡支持列表看这里http://bbs.nnnbbs.com/thread-86-1-1.html2.下载BT3系统.BT3全称Back Trac
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2009年6月9日 · BT3因可以方便的破解无线网络而出名,其中内置的spoonwep是一个非常强悍的图形化破解WEP无线网络密码的工具。 其中有ISO格式,U盘格式,还有虚拟机 Vmware 格式的,大家各取所需,这里我用的是U盘版. Spoonwep2这个软件。 非常方便,能够先扫描,再选择,不用再输入MAC,破解IV也是自动的,无须在命令行下输入烦琐的命令。 spoonwep2是在原来的版本基础之上的更新之作,让使用者可以更加方便的进行对无线网络的扫描、抓包或者注入 …
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Tiny Darknet - pjreddie.com
Darknet is 2.9 times faster and it's small and it's 4% more accurate. So what about SqueezeNet? Sure the weights are only 4.8 MB but a forward pass is still 2.2 billion operations. Alexnet was a great first pass at classification but we shouldn't be stuck back in the days when networks this bad are also this slow!
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nnnbbs.com receives about n/a unique visitors per day, and it is ranked 460,363 in the world. nnnbbs.com uses Apache web technologies. nnnbbs.com links to network IP address Find more data about nnnbbs.
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2024年7月26日 · http://bbs.nnnbbs.com/?fromuid=8170 . 好像和其它计算机技术论坛没有什么差别呀!
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