Who would I contact to get a copy of my NGB form 23? - RallyPoint
2018年3月20日 · I served in both Air and Army National Guards and in different states, being discharged over 40 years ago. Over the years, I've had to replace my DD214 but only recently been asked for an NGB23. Where does an old guy like me find a copy of my NGB23? Ironically, I have my 22s but not my 23s.
DD214 vs. NGB22. What's the difference? | RallyPoint
2015年7月17日 · I have a DD214 from my time in the Army. 12 years later I did a try one with the National Guard. When I got out I received an NGB22. Is that correct? Should I have received a DD214 in addition to the NGB22 or not? Can I request a new DD214, and would it have my Service in the National Guard listed on it? I could really use some guidance please. Thanks.
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How can I get the DA Form 5016 (Chronological Statement of
2023年9月19日 · I have noticed my initial entry date if wrong, tried to fix it multiple times throughout my career, there are also more deficiencies in my DA 5016. When I was waiting for my MEB/ETS no one had done a DA 1506 to verify what it said on the computer. While I was out processing transition had org-day and I only had 4 hours to clear and unfortunately, my final out was the last thing on their mind ...
How do I get my time in service when transfering from the
2019年6月19日 · NGB23 Computation of retirement points. You get credit for time for any active duty days, including ADT and AT's, and credit for pay for every point. If your old unit can't come up with those for you, contact Human Resources at the State Headquarters in …
Is there an accurate way to calculate Army Reserve time to
2022年4月21日 · When I Was On Active Duty 1961 - 1965, I Was A Master Sargent Standing In The Chow Line At Little Rock AFB, Looking To Be Around 25 Or So, An Astounding Age For A Rank Of That Status.....
How to prove transfer of TIS from Guard to Active? | RallyPoint
2018年7月11日 · She also should have been sent a NGB23 Statement of Retirement Points, which she will need to get retirement credit for her National Guard time. If she doesn't have those documents, I don't know how she would have gone to Active Duty without a NGB22, she should contact the S1 section at the State Headquarters and they should be able to provide ...
Can MMPAs be used as a supporting document for a DA Form 1506?
Posted on Apr 22, 2022. Can MMPAs be used as a supporting document for a DA Form 1506? 1LT (Join to see) (Join to
NGB-22 form. Am I supposed to get one after 47 days of being on …
2015年12月18日 · So I was on Full time National Guard Duty - Operational Support(FTNGD-OS) orders for 47 days. Now I am back to only drill weekends. Am I supposed to receive an NGB-22 OR DD 214 for that? Or is it only after 90+ days of orders that one receives those forms?
Does SMP time count towards Active Duty time for the purpose of ...
2020年11月18日 · My years of service are accounted for, so I was receiving the maximum pay for O1 and O2. I enlisted in 2010 into the National Guard and became SMP in 2015. I commissioned in 2018. I have already completed my 1506, and I almost 3 years and 3 months of time with that. If that counts towards active time, accounting for Drill Dates, Annual Trainings, Initial Entry Training, and State Emergency ...