New Day RP | FiveM RP | Grand Theft Auto Roleplay | NDRP
New Day RP | FiveM Roleplay Community. Happy St Patricks day to all my Irish brothers and sisters around the world.
Rules, Guidelines and Guides - New Day RP
2021年3月20日 · You must log in or register to post here. Forums. Important Information
Index | New Day RP | FiveM RP | Grand Theft Auto Roleplay | NDRP
2024年2月25日 · Welcome to the New Day RP Wiki. This wiki will serve as a relevant information repository to the New Day RP universe. The information in this wiki includes but is not limited to Characters, Businesses, Organizations and Groups, and Major Events. Any Whitelisted member of New Day RP may request a page on this Wiki as long as it fits within any designated …
New to New Day RP? | New Day RP | FiveM RP | Grand Theft Auto …
2021年2月5日 · First of all, if you are reading this recently after being Whitelisted, congratulations and welcome to New Day RP. This post will outline all current information you should be aware of when joining the community. The Basics FAQs - This "Frequently Asked Questions" page will have answers to...
TeamSpeak and Salty Chat Configuration - New Day RP
Here in NDRP our VoIP System in use is TeamSpeak (ts.ndrp.gg) with the Salty Chat plugin for voice communication. It is required to play on New Day RP and these instructions below will help you get sorted out for the first time and get you connected to the server!
Update to the Community - New Day RP
Right now there are some major features being worked on for implementation, some that are must-haves for day one. For example, we are working on implementing housing before launch, but if that becomes the only thing holding the launch up we will release the server and patch housing in shortly thereafter.
FiveM RP | Grand Theft Auto Roleplay | NDRP - New Day RP
Love your restaurants, the waffle fries are top tier. Reactions: Helena Cassidy-Wren Ari Ahr Anthony Walker Ari Ahr wrote on Anthony Walker's profile.; Friday at 2:43 PM
Page list | New Day RP | FiveM RP | Grand Theft Auto Roleplay
Wiki contains a total of 808 pages.
Welcome to New Day RP 2.0
2021年1月11日 · A bit over a year and three months ago I had the pleasure of writing a similar post to the one I am today, announcing the launch of New Day RP. At that time, we were a fledgling community - with a bulk of our membership coming from our partner community Wild West RP, and a Staff and Development team eager to take on the challenges and tribulations …
New Day RP | FiveM RP | Grand Theft Auto Roleplay | NDRP
Community platform by XenForo ® © 2010-2024 XenForo Ltd. | Style and add-ons by ThemeHouse Website is using Ultimate Server List created by StylesFactory Website is ...