SCN5A - Wikipedia
SCN5A is a highly conserved gene [5] located on human chromosome 3, where it spans more than 100 kb. The gene consists of 28 exons, of which exon 1 and in part exon 2 form the 5' untranslated region and exon 28 the 3' untranslated region of the RNA.SCN5A is part of a family of 10 genes that encode different types of sodium channels, i.e. brain-type (Na V 1.1, Na V 1.2, Na V 1.3, Na V 1.6 ...
Life Cycle of the Cardiac Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel NaV1.5
2020年12月16日 · Introduction. The cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel Na V 1.5 is made up of a 220-kDa pore-forming α-subunit and 30-kDa auxiliary β-subunits. For the convenience of reading, Na V 1.5 in the following parts refers to the α-subunit of Na V 1.5. The SCN5A gene, found on chromosome 3p21, encodes the Na V 1.5 channel, which includes four homologous domains (DI-DIV), a C-terminus, and an N ...
Biophysical properties of NaV1.5 channels from atrial-like and ...
2023年11月24日 · Interestingly, NaV1.5 channels in atrial cardiomyocytes exhibited lower mRNA transcripts and protein expression, which could explain the lower current densities recorded by patch-clamp.
心脏钠通道Nav1.5翻译后修饰的研究进展 - 道客巴巴
中华心血管病杂志01年6月第49卷第6期ChinJCardiolJune01Vol.49No.6心脏钠通道Nav1.5翻译后修饰的研究进展沈利水姚焰中国医学科学院北京协和医学院国家心血管病中心阜外医院心律失常中心100037通信作者:姚焰,Email:[email protected]【摘要】心脏钠通道Nav1.5是负责心肌细胞动作电位形成及冲动传导的关键蛋白 ...
αB-crystallin:一新心脏钠离子通道Nav1.5作用蛋白质-学位-万方 …
Nav1.5蛋白质是形成心肌电压门控的钠通道复合体孔径最主要的α亚基,所产生的钠电流在心脏动作电位的产生以及传导过程中起到非常关键的作用。Nav1.5蛋白在体内存在于多蛋白复合体中,并通过与actin细胞骨架以及细胞外基质相互作用为钠通道复合体、心肌结构以及电功能提供重要的功 …
The cardiac sodium channel gene SCN5A and its gene product NaV1.5…
Abstract. The gene SCN5A encodes the main cardiac sodium channel Na V 1.5. This channel predominates the cardiac sodium current, I Na, which underlies the fast upstroke of the cardiac action potential.As such, it plays a crucial role in cardiac electrophysiology. Over the last 60 years a tremendous amount of knowledge regarding its function at the electrophysiological and molecular level has ...
The cardiac CaMKII-Nav1.5 relationship: From physiology to …
2020年2月1日 · The ideal, and perhaps eventual, synthesis between the need to solely inhibit CaMKII-mediated increases I Na,L without non-specific impairment of normal Nav1.5 or CaMKII function may be the design of drugs that specifically target Ser571 phosphorylation [84]. However, aside from the technical difficulty of such an aim, further clinical trials ...
Roles and regulation of the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5: …
2007年12月1日 · Abstract. During the past decade, Na v 1.5, the main voltage-gated Na + channel in the heart, has been shown to be involved in many cardiac diseases. Genetic variants in the gene SCN5A, encoding Na v 1.5, have been linked to various cardiac phenotypes, such as the congenital and acquired long QT syndromes, Brugada syndrome, conduction slowing, sick sinus syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and even ...
Heart Rhythm 武汉大学中南医院鲁志兵教授团队揭示心脏钠离子通道Nav1.5 …
Cell | 郑宁组等通过cryo-EM技术解析鼠源NaV1.5结构
2019年12月20日 · NaV1.5的结构复杂性为蛋白表达和纯化带来挑战。作者通过荧光分子筛方法筛选截短体克隆以提高蛋白表达量和样品均一性。通过膜片钳验证了截短体具有和野生型相似的功能。最终解析了NaV1.5分辨率为3.5 Å的cryo-EM结构。 由于超过70%的序列一致性,NaV1.5的整体 ...