Find din køreplan - Nordjyllands Trafikselskab
Her finder du køreplaner for alle vores busser og tog. Det er også her, du kan se, hvordan vi kører på de forskellige helligdage, hvordan natbusserne kører, når vi går over til sommer- eller vintertid, og hvis der er større ændringer til køreplanerne. Når skolerne holder ferie, kører en del af vores lokalruter færre ture eller slet ikke.
Forside | Nordjyllands Trafikselskab
Søger du et overblik over alle afgange på en bestemt rute? Det kan du få i køreplanerne for vores busser og tog. Find køreplan. Med NT Travel Pass kan du rejse frit i Nordjylland. Vælg selv om du vil rejse i 1, 3 eller 8 døgn. Gælder for alle rejser med NT-busser og NJ-tog. Ikke gyldig i DSB og GoCollective tog. Læs mere.
Køreplaner - Nordjyllands Trafikselskab
NT Salgs- og servicecenter John F Kennedys Plads 1 9000 Aalborg. Åbningstider Hverdage: Kl. 09.00 - 17.00 Lørdage: Kl. 09.00 - 16.00 Søn- og helligdage: Lukket
Darwin and Palmerston public bus timetables and maps | NT…
2024年9月30日 · Most public buses operate 7 days a week except on Christmas Day and Good Friday. They run from the Darwin, Casuarina, Palmerston and Humpty Doo bus interchanges. Before you travel, check individual bus routes below. …
Home | Nordjyllands Trafikselskab
With the Journey Planner app, you have departures and arrivals for buses, trains, and flexible transport right at your fingertips. The Journey Planner also displays the cost of your journey, the route to the bus stop or station, delays, and much more about your journey.
NT Bus Protocol - STorM32-BGC Wiki - OlliW
The NT bus is designed as a master-slave network, with one master, the main STorM32 board, and up to 15 slaves, the NT modules. Any slave connected to the bus needs a unique ID. The ID has 4 bits. ID = 0 is however used to address all NT slaves on the bus at once. The slaves are either Talker&Listener or only Listener.
Flextur - Nordjyllands Trafikselskab
Flextur is a modern form of public transportation where you ride together with others heading in the same direction. With Flextur, you are picked up at your address and driven to another address of your choice in either North or Central Jutland Region. You pay cash per kilometer, and the price for the journey is provided when booking.
April - september 2024 - Gratis transport med NT-bus og NJ-tog i Nordjylland til og fra arrangementer på Vendsyssel Teater.
5.5 2025 Free transport with NT buses and NJ trains in North Jutland to and from events in Vendsyssel teater. Show Ticket
National Tourist (Dadar) Online Bus Booking, National Tourist …
Introducing brand new buses on most of our buses Pickup and Drop off options are available; 24x7 customer care support to resolve your issue