Np241 Wiring - Pirate 4x4
2015年11月8日 · Got some work done on the truck tonight. Keep in mind it had the push button NP243 and I swapped in an NP241 manual transfer case with the NV4500. So I go to wire in …
NP241 bible/thread of the month/info dump? - Pirate 4x4
2017年2月22日 · I know DD Machine was doing NP241 doubler kits but his site seems to be down and he hasn't been a vendor here in like 9 years as far as I can tell. TrailTechFab a few towns …
NP241 cable shifter conversion - Pirate 4x4
2008年8月5日 · unfortunately i am really bad about taking any pictures during an install. once i get to working on a project its full steam ahead, no time to stop and take pics. i just went to the …
4L60e Mounted to NP241 adapter problem - Pirate 4x4
2009年10月25日 · The guy asked me If I wanted the adaptor for the np241 and I almost said no because I knew I already had one on my trans, but figured it couldnt hurt to have two or there …
np241 front output yoke - Pirate 4x4
2011年4月6日 · Well my question is, can I put a newer (95-98) yoke style front output on an older (88-94) np 241.. (this yoke on an older case)...
np 208 vs. np241 - Pirate 4x4
2005年12月24日 · 241 is a slightly more updated version of a 208. 241 is a better case, and there are more aftermarket parts for it. 208 low range is 2.61 vs. 241 low range 2.72. im looking to …
np246 to np241 swap - Pirate 4x4
2009年1月3日 · I picked up a np241 that I'm going to use in it's place. I'm looking for info on wiring the 241 vss to the 246 vss harness. It looks like the 246 has two sensors at the rear and one …
TH400 and NP241 questions - Pirate 4x4
2010年12月16日 · The NP208 and NP241 used the same TH400 tail shaft and adapter (I don't know what the 205 round pattern late case used, maybe the same) The 208/241 adapter came …
NP241C from 4L60E onto 4L80E? - Pirate 4x4
2014年4月13日 · The 261 is a magnesium case and the NP241 aluminum which stronger stronger I would say the AL one. Stick with NP241 and swap to 32spl I would sell the 263 then buy a 32 …
NP241 VSS to mechanical - Pirate 4x4
2006年9月7日 · JB Conversions NP241 SYE They may beable to help give them a call. '73 IH Scout II Vortec 6.0L 4L65e np241 '73 IH 1210 Travelette SV392 V8, T34, 60/14bff 4.56's 35's