For NMSIIS Technical assistance, please contact the NMSIIS Help Desk at (833) 882-6454 . Click HERE to learn more about New Mexico's Statewide Immunization Information System at the New Mexico Department of Health website.
Statewide Immunization Information System ( NMSIIS ) - NM …
NMSIIS is a confidential and secure computer database designed to collect and maintain vaccination records of children and adults. Utilization of the IIS promotes cost effective and efficient disease prevention, which leads to better health for New Mexicans.
Training - NM Health
Are you interested in becoming a NMSIIS user? Do you want to learn more about the New Mexico immunization efforts? Information on this page can be used to begin completing requirements to become a NMSIIS user, see how to access our new public portal, and attend an online or in-person training to learn more about immunizations.
Public - NM Health
On this page, parents and patients can access our new public portal to obtain immunization records, read about school immunization requirements, and learn about the process for requesting a vaccine exemption. Training, resources, and additional opportunities to learn about New Mexico’s IIS are also available.
Public Portal
For NMSIIS Technical assistance, please contact the NMSIIS Help Desk at 1-833-882-6454.
NMSIIS has a variety of reports/forms and Quick Reference Guides (QRG) that are accessible to all users that have access to NMSIIS. Quick Tip: Use the CTRL + F key on your keyboard to find a form, QRG or Report that you may be looking for.
Enter your username. Click "Next" to proceed to the Password Reset screen (assuming your answers are correct) or "Cancel" to return to the Login screen. You only have a limited number of attempts to answer the questions correctly. Otherwise, your account will be locked and you will need to contact the Helpdesk for assistance.
What is NMSIIS? NMSIIS is a confidential, web‐based, immunization information system that keeps immunization records of people vaccinated in New Mexico. Using NMSIIS, medical providers can obtain up‐to‐date, accurate immunization records for
IIS Policies: New Mexico | Immunization Information Systems (IIS)
2011年5月5日 · New Mexico's IIS is the New Mexico Statewide Immunization Information System (NMSIIS), and it includes immunization records for vaccine recipients of all ages. Visit this webpage to learn more about the IIS.
M. NMSIIS Program (Program): refers to the dedicated staff of the New Mexico Department of Health Division who are responsible for the daily operations and maintenance of the Registry, the support of Registry Users, and the troubleshooting of all Registry data and functionality.