NLRP1 - Wikipedia
NLRP1 encodes NACHT, LRR, FIIND, CARD domain and PYD domains-containing protein 1 in humans. [5] [6] [7] NLRP1 was the first protein shown to form an inflammasome. [8] NLRP1 is expressed by a variety of cell types, which are predominantly epithelial or hematopoietic.
Science 背靠背| 破解NLRP1炎症小体的活化之谜 - 知乎
NLRP1是NLR家族中比较异类的存在,其含有未知功能的FIIND(function-to-find domain)结构域,且其可激活Caspase位于蛋白C端的CARD(caspase activation and recruitment domain)结构域。 既往文献已发现NLRP1可经炭疽杆菌(Bacillus anthracis)的致死因子LF(lethal factor)自身水解后发生活化 【2-4】,但该活化机制仍不清楚。
Science | 双链RNA的感受器NLRP1——人源NLRP1识别RNA病毒感 …
慕尼黑工业大学的Veit Hornung课题组长期关注固有免疫中病原识别受体的功能,日前在Science发表题为 Human NLRP1 is a sensor for double-stranded RNA 的研究,发现皮肤组织内的NLRP1是RNA病毒感受器,PYD识别dsRNA后通过NACHT水解ATP实现活化,依赖ASC和Caspase-1完成 …
NLRP1- A CINDERELLA STORY: a perspective of recent advances in NLRP1 …
2023年12月16日 · This review focuses on recent studies identifying new human-specific NLRP1 mechanisms of activation of, gain-of-function human variants and disease, its role in responding to cellular stress, and...
炎性小体 - 百度百科
已发现的炎性小体主要有5种,即 nlrp1炎性小体、nlrp3炎性小体、nlrc4炎性 小体 、 ipaf炎性小体和aim2炎性小体。 已知发现的炎性小体一般均含有凋亡相关微粒蛋白( apoptosis -associated speck-like protein containing CARD,, ASC )、 caspase 蛋白酶以及一种NOD样受 …
NLRP1 Gene - GeneCards | NLRP1 Protein | NLRP1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · NLRP1 (NLR Family Pyrin Domain Containing 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with NLRP1 include Respiratory Papillomatosis, Juvenile Recurrent, Congenital and Autoinflammation With Arthritis And Dyskeratosis. Among its related pathways are Innate Immune System and Inflammasomes.
Structural basis for thioredoxin-mediated suppression of NLRP1
2023年9月13日 · Here we identify ubiquitously expressed endogenous thioredoxin (TRX) as a binder of NLRP1 and a suppressor of the NLRP1 inflammasome. The cryo-electron microscopy structure of human NLRP1...
梁启明团队《Nat Immunol》发文报道NLRP1炎症小体的非经典激 …
2022年7月6日 · NLRP1是NOD样受体家族中第一个被发现可以与ASC和caspase1形成复合体的蛋白,NLRP1 FIIND结构域可自发部分水解,产生NLRP1NT和NLRP1CT两条多肽链。 其中,NLRP1CT具有形成炎症小体的活性,NLRP1CT能够与NLRP1NT及未被切割的全长NLRP1FL形成自抑制体,抑制其自身的活性。 目前普遍认为NLRP1炎症小体会通过经典的NLRP1NT功能性降解(Functional degradation)激活。
The NLRP1 inflammasome: new mechanistic insights and …
We discuss a newly proposed 'functional degradation' mechanism that explains activation and assembly of NLRP1 into an oligomeric complex called an inflammasome. We also discuss how NLRP1 is activated by non-pathogen-associated triggers such as the anti-cancer drug Val-boroPro, or by human disease-associated mutations.
Functional degradation: A mechanism of NLRP1 inflammasome
2019年3月14日 · Proteases such as anthrax lethal factor can activate an inflammasome known as NLRP1B, but the mechanism for this activation has been unclear. Chui et al. used genome-wide knockout screens to show that proteolysis of NLRP1B by lethal factor induces proteasomal degradation of the amino-terminal domains of NLRP1B and eventual cell death.