NGC 44 - Double Star in Andromeda | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 44 is a Double Star in the Andromeda constellation. NGC 44 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. The image below …
Caldwell 44 - Science@NASA
2024年8月23日 · In this Hubble image of Caldwell 44, also known as NGC 7479, the tightly wound arms of the barred spiral galaxy create a backward "S" as they spin in a counter-clockwise …
NGC 7479 - Wikipedia
NGC 7479 (also known as Caldwell 44 or the Superman Galaxy[2]) is a barred spiral galaxy about 105 million light-years away in the constellation Pegasus. William Herschel discovered it in 1784.
List of NGC objects - Wikipedia
The following is a list of NGC objects, that is objects listed in the New General Catalogue (NGC). It is one of the largest comprehensive astronomical catalogues for deep sky objects such as …
NGC44 (Double star) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC44 will become visible at around 18:54 (EST), 29° above your western horizon, as dusk fades to darkness. It will then sink towards the horizon, setting 3 hours and …
Caldwell 44 (NGC 7479) | Pegasus Constellation | Go Astronomy
Caldwell 44 (NGC 7479) is a barred spiral galaxy located within the constellation Pegasus. C44 is best viewed during Fall, is magnitude 11*, and can be viewed with small telescope. It is 4 x 3' …
C44 (NGC 7479) - The Propeller Galaxy - Science@NASA
2023年8月8日 · C44 (NGC 7479) – The Propeller Galaxy. Shaped like a backward "S," Caldwell 44 emits a jet of radiation in radio wavelengths that bends in the opposite direction to the stars …
NGC 44 | double star in Andromeda | New General Catalogue
< NGC List NGC 44. NGC 44 is a double star located in the constellation of Andromeda. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key stats on NGC …
NGC 44 - Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
NGC 44 Object called nonexistent in the RNGC (Sulentic and Tifft 1973), in Andromeda Dreyer's description: eF, vS . Cross Identifications: GC 22, h 10.
NGC 44 — Wikipédia
NGC 44 est une paire d'étoiles située dans la constellation d'Andromède. Elle a été recensée par John Herschel le 22 novembre 1827 [2]