NCD Programme
"📢 NCD Screening Drive (Feb 20 - Mar 31)! Get screened for Hypertension, Diabetes & Cancers (30+ age). Visit your nearest AAM/Health facility
National NCD Program - NHP
National Programme for prevention and control of NCDs (NP-NCD) Username *. Password * visibility
NCD Programme - NHP
Till 20 January 2023: trained 1,08,714 Health Professionals on NCD Application across Pan India, total enrolment (30+) through NCD application is 26.23 crore and 14.40 crore were screened and their record maintained in NCD application (including State sending aggregate data through API).
National NCD Program - NHP
"📢 NCD Screening Drive (Feb 20 - Mar 31)! Get screened for Hypertension, Diabetes & Cancers (30+ age). Visit your nearest AAM/Health facility
NCD Programme - NHP
The National NCD Portal is designed, developed and maintained by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of India. This application is developed to be used by the state health institutions / functionaries (service providers at public health facilities) to support service delivery at the community level and public health ...
National NCD Program - NHP
The National NCD Portal is designed, developed and maintained by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of India. This application is developed to be used by the state health institutions / functionaries (service providers at public health facilities) to support service delivery at the community level and public health ...
National NCD Program - NHP
"📢 NCD Screening Drive (Feb 20 - Mar 31)! Get screened for Hypertension, Diabetes & Cancers (30+ age). Visit your nearest AAM/Health facility
NCD Programme - NHP
"📢 NCD Screening Drive (Feb 20 - Mar 31)! Get screened for Hypertension, Diabetes & Cancers (30+ age). Visit your nearest AAM/Health facility
HO | Disease Wise Analysis - ncd.nhp.gov.in
Aggregate counts shown below are approximate numbers with a deviation of +-1% from actuals. This is to ensure better performance.