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  2. Myanmar snub-nosed monkey - Wikipedia

    • The Myanmar snub-nosed monkey or Burmese snub-nosed monkey or black snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus strykeri) is a critically endangered species of colobine monkey discovered in 2010 in northern Burma (Myanmar). It was formally described as a novel species of primate in 2011 based on its fur, beard and tail. Two groups of the species were discovered i… 展开

    Discovery and taxonomy

    The Myanmar snub-nosed monkey was first discovered in 2010 from Gaoligong Mountains of northeastern Kachin state i… 展开

    Physical characteristics

    The monkey's fur is mostly black. Its crown consists of a thin, high, forward-curved crest of long, black hairs. It has protruding white ear tufts, a mostly naked face with pale pink skin, a "moustache" of whitish hairs above the … 展开

    界:动物界 Animalia
    门:脊索动物门 Chordata
    纲:哺乳纲 Mammalia
    目:灵长目 Primates
    Distribution and habitat

    The species spend summer months in temperate mixed forests at upper elevations of their range, and descend to lower ground in the winter to escape snow. In contrast to other snub-nosed monkeys which are mostl… 展开

    Conservation status

    Deforestation due to logging operations, isolation and hunting by local humans for food are considered dangers to the small extant population. The known Burmese population size is 260-330 individuals, and it is believed les… 展开

    Origin and evolution

    Snub-nosed monkeys and the langurs are the two major groups of colobine monkeys in Asia. The monophyletic origin of these Asian monkeys are already established through molecular phylogeny using nuclear and mitochondrial D… 展开


    Taxonomic experts at the International Institute for Species Exploration honoured the monkey species as one of the Top 10 New Species 2012 among new species described in 2011 throughout the world. Its unique … 展开

  1. 緬甸金絲猴 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

  2. Myanmar Snub-Nosed Monkey, …

    Myanmar snub-nosed monkeys have the characteristic snub-nosed monkey features of an upturned nose with flared nostrils. Their pale faces are dark almond-shaped eyes and each …

  3. Myanmar Snub-Nosed Monkey - Animalia

    The Myanmar snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus strykeri ) is a critically endangered species of colobine monkey discovered in 2010 in northern Burma (Myanmar). It was formally described as a novel species of primate in 2011 …

  4. A New National Park for the Myanmar Snub-nosed Monkey

  5. Myanmar snub-nosed monkey - Fauna & Flora

    The Myanmar snub-nosed monkey is facing serious threats, with its forest habitat coming under pressure from increased logging and development (including one of Asia’s largest hydropower development schemes).

  6. The status of primates and primatology in Myanmar

  7. The Myanmar snub-nosed monkey: …

    2016年10月4日 · Discovered in 2010 and promptly listed as Critically Endangered, the Myanmar snub-nosed monkey lives only in the remote high forests of Northeast Myanmar, and …

  8. Myanmar snub-nosed monkey - Myanmar 2024

  9. Myanmar snub-nosed monkey - Wikiwand

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