City of Monticello, AR
Selected twice by Arkansas Business as a City of Distinction for its Quality of Life, Monticello is an active place for people seeking progress, but in the relaxed comfort & charm of a small town located in the heart of Southeastern Arkansas.
Monticello's History - City of Monticello, AR
Monticello is the largest town in southeast Arkansas south of Pine Bluff (Jefferson County). Its history is one of continued growth and prosperity. Located at the intersection of two major roads and served early by railroads, it became an enduring commercial hub.
Visitors | City of Monticello, AR
City of Monticello, Arkansas 203 W Gaines St. Monticello, AR 71655. Copyright © 2025 City of Monticello, AR Monticello's History; Community. Calendar; Education and ...
Community - City of Monticello, AR
Monticello is home to thriving businesses, progressive schools, and the University of Arkansas at Monticello; and where new friends are always welcome. Education and Childcare. The “Hub of Southeast Arkansas” offers many educational opportunities at all levels. Learn about educational opportunities. Healthcare
Contact Us - City of Monticello, AR
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 505 Monticello, AR 71657. Phone: (870) 367-4400
Government - City of Monticello, AR
City Hall Municipal Offices 203 West Gaines P.O. Box 505 Monticello, AR 71657 (870) 367-4400
City News - City of Monticello, AR
The Monticello Fireman's Association and University of Arkansas, Monticello are pleased to announce a new scholarship opportunity for students of Drew County. The inaugural scholarship program was Read more
Utilities - City of Monticello, AR
City residents and surrounding rural communities rely upon the Monticello water system for water to protect the health, safety and economic well being of 10 thousand citizens, businesses and community organizations.
Places to Eat - City of Monticello, AR
Address: 233 US 425 Hwy N, Monticello, AR 71655 Phone: 870-464-3230 Hours: Monday-Sunday 10am to 11pm Website: htarbys.com Avacado’s Grill Address: 615 W Gaines St, Monticello, AR 71655 Phone: 870-224-8101 Breaker Drive-Inn Address: 523 W Gaines St, Monticello, AR 71655 Phone: 870-367-2842
Cemeteries in Monticello and Drew County | City of Monticello, AR
Monticello. Judkins Cemetery Mist NW. Lacey Cemetery (African American) Ladelle. Ladelle Cemetery Ladelle. Lawson Cemetery Monticello. Loggy Bayou Cemetery Tillar. Lone Sassafras Cemetery Ladelle. Longview Cemetery Cominto. Moore Cemetery Cominto. Mount Olive Cemetery Collins. Mount Peter Cemetery Longview. Mount Pleasant Cemetery Monticello ...