Mokopa - Wikipedia
The ZT-6 Mokopa is a South African air-to-ground anti-tank guided missile. [1] As of 2005, it is in its final stages of development, and is being integrated onto the South African Air Force's Rooivalk attack helicopters. The missile is produced by Denel Dynamics, formerly Kentron.
South Africa - M-KOPA
Get your mobile phone from M-KOPA and unlock access to bigger cash loans, data, hospital cover and device protection. To a smartphone that gives you access to digital loans, health cover, device protection and data. Enjoy your favorite games, movies and …
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Trusted by over 5 million customers across five markets. Do More. Live More. Do more with your M-KOPA smartphone, the smart choice that gives you more than just a phone. Pay well, Pay …
石茶隼攻擊直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
8或16枚 Mokopa ZT-6 ( 英语 : Mokopa ) 長程反坦克制導導彈 4枚 MBDA 西北風 空對空導彈 石茶隼攻擊直升機 (英語: Rooivalk ) [ 3 ] 是一款由 丹尼爾航空公司 ( 英语 : Denel Aeronautics ) 製造的 攻擊直升機 。
非洲的骄傲——石茶隼武装直升机 (下) - 搜狐
2019年10月20日 · “莫科帕”是丹尼尔公司专为“石茶隼”研制的武器,是一种射程为10公里的半主动激光制导反坦克导弹,凭借串联战斗部可以穿透1350毫米的装甲。 “石茶隼”的武器短翼和M159火箭巢. “莫科帕”反坦克导弹. “石茶隼”发射“莫科帕”导弹. 该机下颚安装有一门20毫米GI 2(F2)机炮,备弹700发,由机炮两侧的无弹链供弹系统供弹。 这一种双供弹机炮,可以消除卡壳问题,并让飞行员方便地从两种不同类型的弹药中选择射击。 机炮有效射程2公里,最大射程4公里。 炮 …
Mokopa - Weaponsystems.net
The Mokopa is a modern anti-tank missile of South African origin. It was developed as part of the armament package of the South African Rooivalk attack helicopter. The Mokopa has a similar role as the US AGM-114 Hellfire missile and has comparable characteristics.
南非CSH-2Rooivalk“石茶隼”武装直升机 - 百度百科
新“石茶隼"完成了一系列改进,其中包括装备“莫克帕”ZT-6远程反坦克导弹的、用法国“西北风”近程空空导弹换装原来的空对空导弹。 [3] “石茶隼”最大起飞重量8.75吨、装备2台功率各为1400千瓦的涡轮轴发动机,最大飞行速度309千米/时,巡航速度287千米/时,实用升限6100米,航程700-1200千米为减少生产及研制难度,阿特拉斯公司在研制中最大程度的采用了南非的现有技术,如利用了南非装备的法国“美洲豹”中型运输直升机的旋翼和发动机等动力部件,实际上CSH-2可以 …
Mokopa - Denel Dynamics
Mokopa (Black mamba) is a long-range, precision-guided missile that utilises the semi-active laser guidance concept. Its high performance, large-calibre tandem warhead will destroy any foreseen armoured threat.
X20 Phone - M-KOPA
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M-Kopa - Wikipedia
M-Kopa (M for mobile, kopa is Swahili for borrow, stylized as M-KOPA) [1] is a UK-headquartered emerging market fintech platform that provides affordable smartphones and digital financial services. [2][3] M-Kopa was launched commercially in 2012 and is headquartered in London.