Massey 165 - Tractor Forum
2024年10月27日 · Hi team, Is Hutch still on this forum? I've recently upgraded from a TEA 20 To a 165 with loader, mainly for mowing with the ability to lift logs. The problem I have is I lifted the loader no worries, got it up out of the way, switched the loader valve over to the 3 …
massey ferguson 165 hydraulics - Tractor Forum
2010年8月7日 · Hello, I am new to tractors and excited about buying my first tractor (massey ferguson 165 diesel.) I have a small lawn biz and bought this one owner...
How To: Add Front Hydraulic Pump to Massey 165 - Tractor Forum
2020年10月11日 · The pump end has 13 recessed splines, one of the SAE B standard options. I got mine for $112+$23 shipping from Yesterday's Tractors (Massey Ferguson 165 Hydraulic Pump Drive Shaft with Coupler - 707166M92) The front of the tractor, behind the front bumper, has a standard SAE B hydraulic pump mount cut into it with drilled and tapped holes.
Massey 165 - Tractor Forum
2012年8月31日 · I have purchased a Massey Ferguson 165. I umderstand the function of the multipower transmission, but since the decal is not by the lever that adjusts it which way should it be "up or down" so my tractor will not freewheel? Also when bushhogging when I get in the bushhog in a bind the pto will...
Massey Ferguson 165 3pt problems - Tractor Forum
2023年12月22日 · New guy here. Small scale eastern Oregon farmer. Have a 1965 MF 165. Has a loader but runs off the front of the engine with a second pump. Recently I was pushing some dirt and noticed my 3 point slowly dropped, messed with both levers couldn’t get it to rise, shut the tractor off checked...
Massey 165 Differential Lock Problem - Tractor Forum
2019年4月14日 · Good evening all, My daughter and son-in-law have a 1970 Massey 165 they got last summer. Apparently the Differential lock is not working. Could anyone here suggest what the problem might be and what it would take to fix it. I won't get to see the tractor for another week or so. Just looking...
Mf 165 multi power diesel - Tractor Forum
2013年1月12日 · Hi everyone, Just purchased a new farm along with a Massey ferguson 165 with an new front end loader fitted to it. I'm new to the tractor world and need just a little help. My 3 point linkage arms either go all the way up or all the way down when using the up down leaver. They will not hold at certain levels. Does anyone have any idea why? Can some please explain how the draft works and why it ...
MF165 Massey 3 point control problem - Tractor Forum
2012年4月11日 · Hello, new to the forums. I am a mechanic here in Texas and currently working on a Massey Ferguson. I have recently pulled the pump out of the case and a rebuilt and re installed. I am currently having a problem with my lift controls. The …
massey ferguson 165 hydraulics | Page 3 | Tractor Forum
2011年8月12日 · Hello, I am new to tractors and excited about buying my first tractor (massey ferguson 165 diesel.) I have a small lawn biz and bought this one owner...
Massey Ferguson Power Steering Fluid - Tractor Forum
2024年8月12日 · My hunting club has a Massey Ferguson 165; probably a 1960's or 70's model. We do not have a manual for it and I was told to use hydraulic transmission fluid in the power steering when needed. Can anyone on here advise me of the correct fluid to use. There are different fluids and also...