Maite Vermeulen - De Correspondent
Maite is een correspondent van het eerste uur. Ze maakte over de hele wereld verhalen over ontwikkeling, conflicten en migratie en woonde in Lagos, Nigeria. Eerder studeerde ze Liberal Arts & Sciences aan University College in Utrecht en Conflict, Security and Development aan King's College in Londen. Hiervoor werkte ze als redacteur bij nrc.next.
Maite Vermeulen - The Correspondent
Maite Vermeulen is one of the founding correspondents of De Correspondent, reporting stories across the globe, about development, humanitarian aid, international relations, conflicts and most recently, migration.
Correspondents - The Correspondent
Maite Vermeulen is one of the founding correspondents of De Correspondent, reporting stories across the globe, about development, humanitarian aid, international relations, conflicts and most recently, migration.
10 questions that explain the European Union’s migration policy
2019年10月31日 · Ahead of a reported series tracking how millions of euros allocated by the EU to "tackle the root causes of migration" are spent, I go behind the headlines and the rhetoric to lay out exactly what Europe’s migration policy is. It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal.
Maite Vermeulen (@maite__vermeulen) • Instagram photos and …
1,062 Followers, 487 Following, 244 Posts - Maite Vermeulen (@maite__vermeulen) on Instagram: "Journalist, globalisation editor at De Correspondent (@decorrespondent)"
Maite Vermeulen - Migration Editor - De Correspondent - LinkedIn
De Correspondent maakt journalistiek voorbij de waan van de dag. Met als missie om zo veel mogelijk mensen dieper inzicht te geven in hoe de wereld werkt. Zodat je niet alleen weet wat er...
- 职位: De Correspondent - Migration
- 位置: De Correspondent
Maite Vermeulen - Facebook
Maite Vermeulen. 1,339 likes · 1 talking about this. Ik schrijf voor De Correspondent over hulp, armoede en oorlog. Op de hoogte blijven? Schrijf je hier.
Maite Vermeulen - Journalismfund Europe
Maite Vermeulen (The Netherlands) is one of the founding editors of the online media platform De Correspondent. Maite covered development, conflict and migration stories all over the world and lived in Lagos, Nigeria.
Why saving the world is actually really boring | Maite Vermeulen ...
Maite Vermeulen discovers that, in fact, most of the aid money we donate is not lifting people out of poverty in the long-run. Does that mean that aid is useless? Not at all. It means that aid...
Tracking the EU's migration millions - The Correspondent
Europe spends billions stopping migration. Good luck figuring out where the money actually goes. Want to make sense of migration? Ask the people who stayed behind.