About Mutations in the MSH6 Gene | Memorial Sloan Kettering ...
2023年7月15日 · This information explains how having a mutation in the MSH6 gene may affect you and your family.
MSH6 - Wikipedia
MSH6 or mutS homolog 6 is a gene that codes for DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is the homologue of the human "G/T binding protein," (GTBP) also called p160 or hMSH6 (human MSH6).
MSH6 gene - MedlinePlus
The MSH6 gene provides instructions for making a protein that plays an essential role in repairing DNA. This protein helps fix errors that are made when DNA is copied (DNA replication) in preparation for cell division.
MSH6 Gene Mutations (Lynch Syndrome): Risks & Options
2024年9月6日 · MSH6 inherited mutations (Lynch Syndrome) may affect your options for cancer prevention, detection and treatment. FORCE is here to guide you.
MSH6 is a type of tumor suppressor gene known as a DNA mismatch repair gene. When working correctly, tumor suppressor genes help to prevent cancer by controlling the growth and division of cells. • People born with an MSH6 pathogenic variant have only one working copy of the MSH6 gene, so their risk for cancer is higher than average.
Cancer Treatment in People with an MSH6 Mutation
2024年8月31日 · People with an MSH6 mutation who have been diagnosed with cancer may benefit from biomarker testing and may qualify for clinical trials looking for more effective treatments for cancer. The following are examples of situations where an MSH6 mutation may play a part in treatment decision-making.
Cancer Risk for People with an MSH6 Mutation
2024年9月6日 · People with an inherited MSH6 mutation may have an increased risk for other cancers. The exact risks for the following cancers are unknown: pancreatic cancer; sebaceous skin growths; female breast cancer; Research on how inherited mutations in the MSH6 gene affect cancer risk is ongoing.
MSH6 Gene - GeneCards | MSH6 Protein | MSH6 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · MSH6 (MutS Homolog 6) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with MSH6 include Lynch Syndrome 5 and Endometrial Cancer. Among its related pathways are DNA repair pathways, full network and Base excision repair. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include protein homodimerization activity and ATP hydrolysis activity.
Facts for people and families with a faulty MSH6 gene ... - eviQ
MSH6 is a ‘DNA repair’ gene that helps to protect against bowel, endometrial, ovarian, urothelial and stomach cancer. Everyone has two MSH6 genes (one from their mother, and one from their father). If one of the genes is not working, this is known as having a faulty MSH6 gene, or having a MSH6 mutation.
Entry - *600678 - MutS HOMOLOG 6; MSH6 - OMIM
The Msh6-S cyclin fusion was proficient for suppressing mutations at 3 loci that replicate at mid-S phase, whereas the Msh6-G2/M cyclin fusion was defective. However, the Msh6-G2/M cyclin fusion was functional for mismatch repair at a very late-replicating region of the genome.