Shield AI MQ-35A V-BAT - Wikipedia
Shield AI MQ-35A V-BAT is a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle developed by Martin UAV, now Shield AI. The V-BAT has been operationally deployed in multiple regions, including the Black Sea, the Caribbean, and the Middle East.
V-BAT無人機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
V-BAT (MQ-35A) 是一款由 Shield AI (英语:Shield AI) 研發的 垂直起降 偵察無人機. 2021年4月下旬, 美國海軍 選擇V-BAT進行原型機測試 [1]。 2022年2月,巴西公司VSK Tactical訂購數量不詳的V-BAT,用於安全和監控相關任務。 [2] 2022年12月21日,一架V-BAT與一架Skyways V2.6B無人機同時完成首次無人機運輸任務,兩架無人機分別將22.5公斤的貨物運送到一艘移動的船上,該次任務航程為200nm (370km) 。 [3] 2023年3月, 美國陸軍 宣布V-BAT入選未來戰 …
Shield AI MQ-35 V-BAT - Designation-Systems.Net
In May 2023, Shield AI announced in various social media channels, that the V-BAT had received the official military designation MQ-35A. The MQ-35A is a "tail sitter" VTOL aircraft, powered by a two-stroke piston engine driving a shrouded propeller.
云端“异形”——MQ-35 V-BAT垂直起降无人侦察机_腾讯新闻
2025年3月7日 · 2025年元月下旬,美国神盾AI(Shield AI)公司已经开始使用其研制的MQ-35 V-BAT垂直起降无人机对乌克兰的军事人员进行培训,这种无人机能够有效地防止俄罗斯军队的电子战干扰。 V-BAT无人机于2024年6月被首次交付给乌克兰军方,并在该公司的研发工程师团队的陪同下进行实战评估。 尽管战场上的GPS信号和无线通信均遭到俄军的电子战干扰,这些V-BAT无人机依然成功地帮助乌军部队完成了情报、监视、侦察和目标定位等任务。 神盾AI公司的工程 …
云端“异形”!MQ-35 V-BAT垂直起降无人侦察机-兵器知识-世界论 …
2025年3月8日 · 今年元月中旬,乌克兰国防军收到了神盾ai公司提供的新型mq-35a v-bat无人机。 该机全重56.5公斤,包括11公斤的有效载荷,巡航速度为90公里/小时,续航能力可达12小时,航程远达483公里,具备执行远程任务的能力。
Shield AI Secures Landmark Deal with Japanese Navy for V-BAT …
2025年1月24日 · The V-BAT, also known as the MQ-35, is unique in its design and functionality. It features a single-engine, ducted-fan configuration, enabling vertical takeoff and landing in confined spaces, including ship decks as small as 12’ x 12’.
Shield AI MQ-35A V-BAT : other - armedconflicts.com
2024年12月1日 · In March 2023 the US Army chose the V-BAT, offered by the team of Northrop Grumman and Shield AI, as a replacement for the RQ-7B Shadow. In May 2023, Shield AI announced that the V-BAT drone received the official military designation MQ-35A. - …
MQ-35陶瓷粘结剂 改性粘合剂 无压烧结碳化硅造粒粉胶水
mq-35 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以 ...
Deployed to Israel America’s MQ-35A V-BAT Unmanned Aerial …
2024年11月26日 · The cutting-edge MQ-35A V-BAT unmanned aerial systems (UAS), which have recently been deployed in Israel, are set to be manufactured in India. This milestone follows a partnership between the U.S.-based Shield AI and India’s JSW Defense, aimed at producing these advanced drones locally.
V-Bat Unmanned Aerial System for US Coast Guard
2024年7月8日 · V-Bat, also designated the MQ-35A, utilizes a unique single-engine ducted fan design that provides for vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) operation. The UAS can launch and recover from a hover and fly at up to 90 kmph (56 mph) on wing in horizontal flight.