Running ME54N transaction through shortcut.sap file
Hello All I need to start transaction ME54N running *.sap logon file. I do use here parameter - command=*ME54N. The problem is that I have to run it with specific requisition number according business
ME54N and ME55 - SAP Community
When we release the PR using ME54N or ME55, if we want to pop-up a window to remind user to get the off-line approvel, how should I do? I mean what are the user exits for the two transaction code?
releasing PR through me54n - SAP Community
HI EXPERTS, i have created PR FOR THREE DIFFERENT ITEM and then i go to me54n to release the pr for further processing. I HAVE MAINTAINED RELEASE PROCEDURE for pr. in me54n when i go to item detail an
ME54n access - SAP Community
I have granted access to ME54n and ME53n and have provided activity as 03, 08 for all related authorization objects such as M_BANF_BSA M_BANF_EKG M_BANF_EKO M_BANF_WRK M_EINK_FRG The user when trying
Not able to read item data from ME54N into exit - SAP Community
Thnks for response!! Ya, after lot of R n D i am able to get the item data at different places but y not i am i able to read global data using field-symbols. (may be item data is initially blank) Also i tried with get parameter statement to read data from ME54N into EXIT, problem is, it either takes same or different values with each break-point.
PO log shows released from ME54N - SAP Community
User has navigated from ME54N to access PO and release PO from same screen, now log shows that PO release using ME54N tcode, though it seems SAP internally calls PO release program to release PO, but why log getting updated as ME54N, which is misleading any inputs ?
Display problem of ME54N - SAP Community
Hi Gurus, I am looking your help, I have asign T-Code ME54N, When we execute this ME54N. system open the screen but not display the data and not ready for any action. pl. guide me what is the problem.
regarding badis | SAP Community
To find the BADIs which are being called for transaction ME54N put a breakpoint at the exit handler class CL_EXITHANDLER in the method GET_INSTANCE and then run transaction.
Problem with release of pr - SAP Community
When i try to release that PR in tcode ME54N, only the first item is getting released, the second item remains blocked. I have checked the over release button in release group also.
MEREQ001 - set data in the screen when ME54N/ME53N/ME52N
MEREQ001 - set data in the screen when ME54N/ME53N/ME52N 1583 Views RSS Feed