Multidrug Resistance Mutation (MDR1) | VCA Animal Hospitals
The phrase 'multidrug resistance mutation 1 (MDR1)' refers to a specific mutation that can occur at a gene known as the MDR1 gene, also known as the ABCB1 gene. Many herding breeds (most commonly Collies and Australian Shepherds) have a mutation at the MDR1 gene that makes them more sensitive to the negative effects of certain medications.
ABCB1 Gene - GeneCards | MDR1 Protein | MDR1 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · ABC proteins transport various molecules across extra- and intra-cellular membranes. ABC genes are divided into seven distinct subfamilies (ABC1, MDR/TAP, MRP, ALD, OABP, GCN20, White). This protein is a member of the MDR/TAP subfamily. Members of the MDR/TAP subfamily are involved in multidrug resistance.
P-glycoprotein - Wikipedia
P-glycoprotein 1 (permeability glycoprotein, abbreviated as P-gp or Pgp) also known as multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1) or ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 1 (ABCB1) or cluster of differentiation 243 (CD243) is an important protein of the cell membrane that pumps many foreign substances out of cells.
Drug sensitivity: MDR1 - Cornell University College of Veterinary …
MDR1 drug sensitivity occurs when dogs inherit a genetic variant in their ABCB1 gene (formerly known as the MDR1 gene). This variant causes a change in a protein called P-glycoprotein (P-gp). Under normal conditions, the protein helps eliminate drugs after administration and helps keep specific substances — including some drugs and toxins ...
多药耐药性 - 百度百科
PDR 是指仅对诱导药物产生交叉耐药;而 MDR 是指肿瘤细胞对一种抗肿瘤药物产生抗药性的同时,对结构和作用机制不同的抗肿瘤药物产生交叉耐药性,又称多向性耐药(pleiotropic drug resistance)。 MDR 是肿瘤化疗失败的主要原因,也是困扰肿瘤治疗的一大难题 [2]。 因此,克服肿瘤细胞 MDR,提高抗癌药物疗效已成为肿瘤治疗亟待解决的关键性课题。 MDR 的形成机制相当复杂,肿瘤细胞可通过不同途径导致 MDR 的产生,同时,单个 MDR 细胞可同时存在多种抗 …
The drug efflux pump MDR1 promotes intrinsic and acquired
2022年8月30日 · Our study reveals a role for the drug efflux pump MDR1 in both acquired and intrinsic resistance to protein degraders in cancer cells and supports combination therapies involving PROTACs and MDR1 inhibitors to achieve …
A Novel Human Multidrug Resistance Gene MDR1 Variant …
The human multidrug resistance gene MDR1 encodes a membrane-bound transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp) that confers the drug resistance of cancer cells by mediating an ATP-dependent drug efflux transport. We and others have reported a number of ...
Revisiting the role of ABC transporters in multidrug-resistant …
2018年4月11日 · Ample evidence suggests that the expression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, especially the multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1, also known as P-glycoprotein or P-gp), which is...
MDR1 (ABCB1) polymorphisms: functional effects and clinical ...
MDR1 gene encodes for P glycoprotein (P-gp), which plays an important role in bioavailability and cell-toxicity limitation of a wide range of drugs and xenobiotics. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the coding region (C3435T, C1236T and G2677T/A) are the most widely studied SNPs in MDR …
MDR1 Transporter: Structure, Function, and Drug Resistance
2025年1月12日 · Explore the MDR1 transporter, its role in drug resistance, and how genetic variability affects its function and substrate specificity. The MDR1 transporter, also known as P-glycoprotein, is integral to cellular defense by expelling toxic substances and xenobiotics.