Chronology - USMC Combat Helicopter & Tiltrotor Association
MAG-16 moved from Da Nang to the Marble Mountain Air Facility (MMAF) on 7 Aug. All MAG-16 aircraft were operating out of MMAF by the beginning of September. The first all-Marine night helicopter assault took place with BLT 2/3 and HMM-361, HMM-261 and VMO-2 in Elephant Valley on 12 Aug.
Mag-16 – USMC Helicopter Unit common Awards – POPASMOKE …
2004年6月16日 · SU#2,MABS-16,MAG-16 1stMAW, FPO, SFRAN 31Oct63 for TAD primary duty FireTeamLdr SU#2,MABS-16,MAG-16 1stMAW, FPO, SFRAN 13Dec63 TADCompl primary duty FireTeamLdr. Does anyone know what the PUC was given for? Another thread detailed a Navy Unit Citation for MABS-16 Sub Unit 2 9Apr62-30Nov64 SU TE Any info would be …
MAG-16 Command Chronology 1-31 Jan 1968 (TET)
The MAG-16 command chronology reported that at 0338H Marble Mountain Air Facility (MMAF) received 29 incoming enemy 122mm rockets resulting in one minor injury to MAG-16 personnel (LCpl R.C. Cremer) and the following damage: 1 CH-53A, substantial damage; 4 CH-53As, limited damage; 10 CH-46A, limited damage; 8 UH-34D, limited damage.
KIA INCIDENT: 19651028 MAG-16 Vietnam - Pop A Smoke
MAG-16 casualties were three KIA and twenty-four wounded in action. This included one killed and five wounded in vehicles which struck mines on the main service road. Immediately following the attack, MAG-16 personnel of all squadrons moved to the aircraft ramp, reinforced the perimeter defenses, assisted in evacuation of the wounded and ...
Grunts At Marble Mountain – In-Country Vietnam – POPASMOKE …
2004年10月8日 · It was Zulu Company. I , along with Sgt. E. P. Hall, were assigned to Zulu Company as Platoon Leaders when HMM-361 disbanded in 1968. Only a few of the personnel were grunts, although I was an 0351 prior to reenlisting. We mostly got our troops from the squadrons. I was also in the MAG-16 Provost Maeshalls Office and most of our personnel …
KIA INCIDENT: 19680703 HMM-163 Vietnam - Pop A Smoke
MAG-16 Command Chronology - July 1968. HOSTILE 3 July 1968. Marble Mountain Air Facility, Quang Nam, RVN. Four Marines came out of a bunker as rocket landed nearby. Corporals BUSTOS and SMITH were killed instantly. Corporal HAYMES and LCpl WINTERTON were medevaced and died while in hospital.
KIA INCIDENT: 19690819 MAG-16 Vietnam - Pop A Smoke
Incident Date 19690819 MAG-16 Ground Grnd Incident - Hostile Fire, MMAF [GROUND] Poliquin, Michael Edward PFC Grnd Casualty MABS-16 MAG-16 1969-08-19 (vvm 19W:073) Magerr III, William Leo Cpl Grnd Casualty H&MS-16 MAG-16 1969-08-19 (vvm 19W:070)
Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Lebanon, Dominican Republic, Panama, Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan
Evil Eyes – HMM-163 – POPASMOKE NOTAM Board
2004年10月12日 · How was it approved by MAG 16? How has it survived? Both the H-34 at the Air & Space museum, and the Leatherneck museum at MCAS Miramar, are painted in HMM-163 colors, with Evil Eyes on the nose, so it's an important point.
KIA INCIDENT: 19690727 HMM-364 Vietnam - Pop A Smoke
Incident Date 19690727 HMM-364 CH-46A - BuNo 154018+ (YT-10) - - Hostile fire, systems malfunction, uncontrollable crash