Winchester Model 1887/1901 - Wikipedia
The Winchester Model 1887 and Winchester Model 1901 are lever-action shotguns designed by American gun designer John Browning and produced by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The shotgun became well-known due to its use in the 1991 film Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
Model 1887 Shotguns - Winchester Collector
Another highly innovative John M. Browning design, the Model 1887 shotgun is one of the most unusual actions ever made by Winchester. Production began in May of 1887 and it ended in March of 1899, with a total production of just 64,855 guns. The Model 1887 was replaced in June of 1901 by the modernized Model 1901.
Winchester's Remarkable Model 1887 - GUNS Magazine
Known as the Models 1887 and 1901 and chambered in both 10 gauge and 12 gauge, it was John Browning’s response to Winchester Vice-President T.G. Bennett’s request for a lever-action shotgun that would complement and enhance Winchester’s extensive lever-action line.
溫徹斯特M1887槓桿式霰彈槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
溫徹斯特M1887(英語: Winchester Model (M) 1887 )是一款由著名的美國槍械設計師約翰·白朗寧設計、美国 溫徹斯特連發武器公司生產的槓桿式 散彈槍,發射12鉛徑霰彈。
Model 1887 Lever-Action Shotgun - GUNS Magazine
Capable of being fired with birdshot, buckshot and slugs, it’s a very versatile firearm. The Model 1887 hearkens back to a time when the lever-action was king and armor was made from leather. The shotgun has been produced in almost every conceivable form: single shot, double-barrel, bolt-action, slide-action (pump) and semiautomatics.
WINCHESTER 1887 LEVER ACTION - For Sale - Guns.com
Search the Guns.com database to shop for guns, ammo, mags, optics and more. Filter products to compare by specs and price. New and certified used handguns, shotguns, rifles...
ウィンチェスターM1887/1901 - Wikipedia
ウィンチェスターm1887は、作動方式としてレバーアクション式を採用した珍しい散弾銃であり、最初に成功した連発式散弾銃と言われている。 後にm1887の改良型として、より強力な無煙火薬の弾薬に対応したウィンチェスターm1901が製造されている。