Lockheed M-21 (Blackbird) | The Museum of Flight
The Museum's aircraft is an M-21, the first of the rare two-seat variants of the early A-12. Built for a CIA program code-named "Tagboard," it carried an unpiloted D-21 drone for intelligence gathering. These drones were intended for launch from the M-21 "mothership" for flights over hostile territories.
M21 sniper weapon system - Wikipedia
The M21 sniper weapon system (SWS) in the US Army is a national match grade M14 rifle, selected for accuracy, and renamed the M21 rifle. [7] The M21 uses a commercially procured 3–9× variable power telescopic sight, modified for use with the sniper rifle. [8] It is chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO cartridge.
Samsung Galaxy M21 - Full phone specifications - GSMArena.com
Samsung Galaxy M21 Android smartphone. Announced Mar 2020. Features 6.4″ display, Exynos 9611 chipset, 6000 mAh battery, 128 GB storage, 6 GB RAM, Corning Gorilla Glass 3.
M21狙击步枪 - 百度百科
M21狙击手武器系统,被称为M21 Sniper Weapon System,简称为M21 SWS,是一支半自动狙击步枪,是在M14自动步枪的基础上改进研制的。M21狙击步枪1969年装备美军部队,越南战争后期成为美国陆军、海军和海军陆战队的通用狙击步枪。
M 21狙击步枪 - 枪炮世界
1969年12月后,xm21已经被非正式地称为m21,不过直到1975年才正式定型为m21。 在整个越战期间,美军共装备了 1 , 800支配ART瞄准镜的M21。在一份美国越战杀伤报告中记载,1969年1月7日至7月24日半年内,一个狙击班共射杀北越军1 , 245名,耗弹1 , 706发,平均1.37 发弹杀 ...
背负雏鹰的巨鸟—洛克希德M-21黑鸟无人机载机 - 哔哩哔哩
在这十五架飞机中有六架由于机械故障等原因坠毁(包括一架M-21),造成两名飞行员和一名工程师死亡,现存的九架分布于美国境内的博物馆等地进行展出,其中包括CIA总部。 除此之外,另有三架基于A-12的截击机型号YF-12的原型机被制造出来,除了明面上的防空用途以外,还能把民众与媒体对于A-12的目击和偶尔的事故推到这个截击机型号上面,从而把CIA在这个项目中的参与隐藏起来,对外隐藏高空高速侦察机的存在。 不过由于美国国土防空需求的放缓以及越南战事 …
US Army M21 Sniper Rifle - Firearms News
2019年9月12日 · The M21 was developed during Vietnam and remained the standard US Army sniper rifle until replaced by the bolt-action M24 in 1988. The M21 sniper rifle itself though was little more than a M14 built to National Match specifications topped with a scope.
MTA Bus Time: Route M21
Eastbound M21 stops on E Houston St at Columbia St and Baruch Dr are being bypassed For service, use the stops on E Houston St at Ridge St or Mangin St instead. See a map of the detour. What's happening? Utility construction
如何评价M21狙击步枪? - 知乎
作为美军在越战中后期所采用的第一代SWS(狙击手武器系统)的核心组成部分,M21狙击步枪及其后续衍生型M25自1969年装备部队以来,在长达将近20年的时间里经受了实战的诸多考验,可以说还是比较成功地完成了它在列装时所需承担的战场使命。 尽管它从1988年起被雷明顿M24狙击步枪逐步取代的事实已经充分证明它自那时起就已不再能继续适应现代作战条件下对于“狙击步枪”这一武器类型的要求,但这并不妨碍它在此后作为精确射手步枪(DMR)的角色继续在前线作 …
SR-71 Online - M-21 Blackbird
3 天之前 · The M-21 is an A-12-like aircraft designed to launch the once ultra-secret D-21 Drone. When the United States signed a treaty to end flights of manned vehicles over the Soviet Union, an unmanned vehicle was needed for reconnaissance.