Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master - Wikipedia
The Aermacchi M-346 Master is a family of military twin-engine transonic advanced jet trainers and light combat aircraft. Originally co-developed with Yakovlev as the Yak/AEM-130, the partnership was dissolved in 2000 and then Alenia Aermacchi proceeded to separately develop the M-346 Master, while Yakovlev continued work on the Yakovlev Yak-130.
M-346FA - Light Combat Aircraft | Leonardo - Aircraft
The M-346FA (Fighter Attack) is a ‘light combat’ version of the M-346 advanced trainer with multi-role capabilities including close air support missions, even in urban areas, battlespace air interdiction for national defence and tactical reconnaissance.
M-346教練機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M-346搭配 李奧納多 (Leonardo) 研發 的嵌入式戰術訓練系統(Embedded Tactical Training System,ETTS)、地面訓練系統(Ground Based Training System,GBTS),運用虛擬與資料鍊技術,將各種假想的戰術情況上傳給該機,讓 飛行員 練習攻擊空中、地面目標、反制敵方攻擊 …
M-346 (航空機) - Wikipedia
軽攻撃機型 M-346FA は グリフォ (英語版) ・ レーダー (機械走査式 [1])、 データリンク 、自衛用の ECM 装置を装備 [1] し、 近接航空支援 (CAS)・ヘリコプター等の低速目標迎撃(SMI:Slow Mover Interceptor)・対艦攻撃に用いられる。
The Aermacchi M-346FA: multirole master | Leonardo
2018年7月8日 · The FA (Fighter Attack) is a new version of the advanced Aermacchi M-346 twin-engine trainer, designed and manufactured by Leonardo's Aircraft Division. It is an evolution of the dual role FT (Fighter Trainer) version, designed to meet Air Forces' growing and diversified operational requirements.
ECTIVE AND EFFICIENT COMBAT AIRCRAFT The Aermacchi M-346FA is the latest Leonardo’s Aircraft Division product based on its long-term experience in the development of combat aircraft, d. ting back to the early 20th century. Aeronautica Macchi produced effective combat aircraft, among which the Macchi C.20.
The M-346FA is a radar equipped multirole light fighter and represents a highly cost-efective, tactical solution for the modern battlefield. At the same time it keeps all the attributes of the M-346AJT, including the Embedded Tactical Training Simulation (ETTS) suite.
M-346高级教练机 - 百度百科
M-346是由意大利阿莱尼亚·马基公司研制的新一代高级教练机,它具有超越世界上其他同级别高级教练机的优越性能:M-346的全机推重比高,空战推重比接近1;人机界面十分友好,其座舱人机接口技术向第五代战斗机看齐;气动外形设计优秀,最大可控迎角可 ...
莱昂纳多M-346FA是M-346的最新版本,也是一款具有教练机和轻型战斗机能力的飞机。 迄今为止,M-346已被意大利、以色列、波兰、阿塞拜疆、 土库曼斯坦 和新加坡、希腊选中。
战机科普:M-346教练机 - 哔哩哔哩
M 346大师(M 346 Master),是意大利马基航空(Aeronautica Macchi)研发的高级教练机,意大利空军将其型号称为T-346A、参与美国空军T-X计划的型号为T-100。 类型 高级教练机/轻型攻击机. 制造商 阿莱尼亚·马基航空→列奥那多. 首飞 2004年7月15日. 状态 现役. 主要用户 意大利空军,以色列空军,新加坡空军. 发展自 雅克-130. 历史. 1993年,当时俄国空军经费不足,允许外资加入教练机计划。
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