M10 Booker - Wikipedia
The M10 Booker is an armored vehicle that is intended to support our Infantry Brigade Combat Teams by suppressing and destroying fortifications, gun systems and trench routes, and then secondarily providing protection against enemy armored vehicles.
M10布克戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M10 布克戰車 (M10 Booker),是 通用動力 為 美國陸軍 研發的一款新型火力支援型戰車 [註 1][4]。 获得军方正式命名前被称为“ 獅鷲輕型坦克 (Griffin)”, 狮鹫是同样由 通用动力 研发的ASCOD车族的一员 [5]。 該車輛於2022年6月28日正式中標為美國陸軍 機動防護火力車 (英語: Mobile Protected Firepower;简称:MPF)项目用车。
M10 tank destroyer - Wikipedia
The M10 tank destroyer, formally known as 3-inch gun motor carriage M10 or M10 GMC, was an American tank destroyer of World War II. After US entry into World War II and the formation of the Tank Destroyer Force, a suitable vehicle was needed to equip the new battalions. By November 1941, the Army requested a vehicle with a gun in a fully ...
Army takes delivery of first M10 Booker Combat Vehicle
2024年4月18日 · In late February, the Army took delivery of the first M10 Booker vehicle at Anniston Army Depot. To date, three production M10 Booker vehicles have been delivered to the Army. The Booker...
Army names its newest combat vehicle after WWII and Operation …
2023年6月14日 · Formerly known as the Mobile Protected Firepower, the M10 Booker represents a new, modernized capability for the Army, allowing light maneuver forces to overmatch adversaries.
It's Not a Light Tank: Army Unveils New Armored Combat Vehicle
For the first time in decades, the Army is fielding a new capability to support infantry units: the M10 Booker Combat Vehicle. The service unveiled the vehicle this week at the Pentagon in a ...
Army unveils M10 Booker Combat Vehicle - Task & Purpose
2023年6月10日 · Conceived of as a more compact version of the venerable M1 Abrams main battle tank, the M10 is designed to give light infantry and airborne units increased firepower and bridge a gap in the...
2025年1月14日 · On June 14, 2023, the Army announced the redesignation of the MPF as the M-10 Booker infantry assault vehicle. According to the Army, The vehicle platform honors two enlisted Army soldiers who served our nation selflessly during times of great conflict – Medal of Honor recipient Private.
M10 Booker Combat Vehicle - General Dynamics Land Systems
2024年10月8日 · The Booker vehicle employs a four-person crew and features an enhanced thermal viewer, a large-caliber cannon, a lightweight hull and turret, and a modern diesel engine, transmission and suspension system. It has been designed from the start for capability upgrades, based on future operational needs.
Army M10 Booker: Soldier Firepower Innovation from Arctic …
2025年3月11日 · The program in question is the M10 Booker, and it should be a home run. As America reconfigures global force deployments, mobility and protected firepower for rapid deployment will be more critical than ever.