Juri Lotman - Wikipedia
Juri Lotman (Russian: Ю́рий Миха́йлович Ло́тман; 28 February 1922 – 28 October 1993) was a prominent Russian-Estonian literary scholar, semiotician, and historian of Russian culture, who worked at the University of Tartu.
Лотман, Юрий Михайлович — Википедия
Ю́рий Миха́йлович Ло́тман (28 февраля [3] 1922, Петроград — 28 октября 1993, Тарту) — советский и российский [3] литературовед, культуролог и семиотик, пушкинист [4]. Доктор филологических наук (1962), профессор (1963). Член Эстонской академии наук (1990). Член-корреспондент Британской академии (1977).
Lotman, Yuri – Filosofia: An Encyclopedia of Russian Thought
Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman was the most significant and influential Soviet structuralist, semiotician, and literary thinker. He was the founder of the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School and a professor at the University of Tartu (Estonia) from 1954 to 1993.
(PDF) Introduction: Juri Lotman’s Semiotic Theory of History and ...
2019年10月30日 · This introduction, written for the volume of Juri Lotman's selected essays in English, offers a conceptual framework for the essays presented in the volume and is based on Lotman’s...
Introduction: Juri Lotman’s Semiotic Theory of History and …
2019年10月10日 · The central aim of this volume is to introduce the work of Juri Lotman (1922–1993) into contemporary debates on cultural history and cultural memory studies. Lotman is widely read and highly renowned in the fields of semiotics and literary studies, but his...
Juri Lotman - Culture, Memory and History - Springer
Juri Lotman (1922–1993), the Russian-Estonian literary scholar and semiotician, was one of the most original and important cultural theorists of the twentieth century, the founder of the well-known Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics, and the initiator of the discipline of cultural semiotics.
Jurij Lotman - Literary and Critical Theory - Oxford Bibliographies
2019年4月24日 · Jurij (or Yuri) Lotman (b. 1922–d. 1993) was a Russian semiotician and cofounder of the Tartu-Moscow school of semiotics. A Russian philologist by education, his interests ranged from aesthetics to literary and cultural history; from narrative theory to intellectual history; from cinema to mythology.
Yuri Lotman, who defined culture as "the whole of uninherited information and the ways of its organization and storage,"1 was unques tionably in favor of the antinaturalistic standpoint. In the definition just quoted, there is a double emphasis: first, Lotman states that culture is information, and as such depends on human consciousness. He ...
A semiotic theory of life: Lotman’s principles of the universe of …
Literary scholar, cultural theorist and semiotician Juri Lotman (1922–1993) established the Tartu (and Tartu-Moscow) school of semiotics in the 1960s. Besides his pioneering work in semiotics of culture, he also developed a theory of general semiotics.
Universe of the mind : a semiotic theory of culture : Lotman, I͡U. M ...
2022年2月28日 · This is Lotman's seminal text in cultural semiotics, laying out the theoretical structure on which all his work is built for a new generation of readers engaged with critical theory and cultural studies, philosophy and historiography