The LIN-12/Notch signaling pathway and its regulation - PubMed
Notch, LIN-12, and GLP-1 are receptors that mediate a broad range of cell interactions during Drosophila and nematode development. Signaling by these receptors relies on a conserved pathway with three core components: DSL ligand, LNG receptor, and a CSL effector that links the receptor to its transc …
华中科技大学课题组在38分的STTT发表超重磅综述,带你详解这一 …
2023年3月26日 · Notch 信号是造血、免疫细胞分化的关键调节因子之一,与多种自身免疫性疾病、肿瘤的发生和肿瘤诱导的免疫抑制有关。 Notch 信号通路本身简单,但它所调控的细胞进程却相当复杂。 2022年3月24日,华中科技大学附属同济医院肿瘤科褚倩教授为通讯作者,在顶尖期刊《Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy》(IF值为 38.104 分)上发表题为“Notch signaling pathway: architecture, disease, and therapeutics”的综述性文章,详细阐述了 Notch 信号的研 …
lin-12, a nematode homeotic gene, is homologous to a set of …
The lin-12 gene of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans controls certain binary decisions during development. The lin-12 locus was cloned by means of Tc 1 transposon tagging: spontaneous lin-12 null alleles were isolated in a genetic background permissive for Tc 1 transposition, and seven independently isolated mutations were found to be ...
LIN-12/Notch Activation Leads to MicroRNA-Mediated Down
2005年11月25日 · Here, we identify a microRNA gene, mir-61, as a direct transcriptional target of LIN-12 and show that expression of mir-61 promotes the 2° fate. We also identify vav-1, the ortholog of the Vav oncogene, as a target of mir-61, and show that down-regulation of VAV-1 promotes lin-12 activity in specifying the 2° fate
LIN-12/Notch Signaling: Induction, Lateral Specification, and ...
2010年1月1日 · LIN-12/Notch receptors are evolutionary conserved type I transmembrane proteins involved in many developmental events. Genetic and biochemical experiments from studies on invertebrates, mainly D. melanogaster and C. elegans, and more recently on vertebrates, have identified members of the LIN-12/Notch signal …
Structure/function studies of lin-12/Notch proteins - PubMed
The lin-12/Notch proteins appear to act as transmembrane receptors for intercellular signals that specify cell fates during animal development. Recent structure/function studies have shown that the lin-12/Notch intracellular domain alone has the …
Endocytosis-mediated downregulation of LIN-12/Notch upon …
2002年12月12日 · Here we identify a ‘downregulation targeting signal’ (DTS) in the LIN-12 intracellular domain, which encompasses a di-leucine-containing endocytic sorting motif. The DTS seems to be required for...
The lin-12 locus specifies cell fates in caenorhabditis elegans
1983年9月1日 · We describe two classes of mutations in the lin-12 locus of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Ten semidominant mutations (lin-12 [d]) appear to elevate the level of lin-12 activity. Thirty-two recessive alleles (lin-12 [0]), including two amber mutations, appear to eliminate gene activity.
Notch/LIN-12 signaling: transduction by regulated protein slicing
1998年9月1日 · Here, we review models for two key steps in Notch/LIN-12 signaling: ligand-mediated activation of the receptor and receptor-mediated activation of transcription. Ligand binding appears to permit proteolysis of the receptor; as a result, the receptor's intracellular domain can enter the nucleus and function as a transcriptional co-activator.
lin-12 and glp-1 are required zygotically for early embryonic …
Cell-cell interactions mediated by LIN-12 and GLP-1, members of the LNG (LIN-12, Notch, GLP-1) family of receptors, are required to specify numerous cell fates during development of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Maternally expressed GLP-1 participates in two of at least four sequential induct …