Leather Leaf Sedge - Carex buchananii - Proven Winners
Leather Leaf Sedge is a cool-season grass. Where temperatures get colder than zero degrees F, the plants should be treated as annuals. Once the grass turns brown it can either be removed immediately or removed in the spring.
Carex buchananii (Leatherleaf Sedge) - Gardenia
A very popular Sedge, Carex buchananii (Leatherleaf Sedge) is a tufted perennial grass with an evergreen foliage of narrow, copper-bronze leaves. Erect when young, the grass-like leaves tend gradually to arch over time, curling gracefully towards their tips.
Carex buchananii (Curly Top Sedge, Leatherleaf sedge, Sedges)
Leatherleafsedge is a low maintenance cool season grass in the Cyperaceae (sedge) family native to New Zealand. The name Carex is Latin for "cutter" in reference to the sharp triangular stem edges found on most members of this genus.
Leather leaf sedge - Waterwise Garden Planner
The Leather leaf sedge is a dense clumping perennial comprised of orange-bronze colored blades that reach 2-3 ft. tall and have curly tips. This colorful plant from New Zealand is well suited to containers and border plantings.
10 Popular Sedges for Ornamental Garden Use - The Spruce
2024年1月18日 · The ornamental value of leatherleaf sedge is provided by the coppery color of its leaves. It forms dense clumps, whereas 'Spark Plug' is more loosely put together. The leaves of the leatherleaf also have a finer texture.
Carex buchananii - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Carex buchananii, commonly known as leatherleaf sedge, is a perennial evergreen sedge that is native to New Zealand. Narrow, fine, upright, grass-like, copper-bronze to cinnamon-brown leaves (less than 1/2” wide) rise to 18-24” tall, arching slightly at the tips.
Carex buchananii 'Firefox' - Walters Gardens
Common Name: Leatherleaf Sedge, Ornamental Grass. A cool season evergreen grass with copper-red foliage in a spiky, upright habit. The wispy leaves are an excellent complement to broadleaf perennials like Salvia and Shasta Daisies. Consider this an essential perennial when planning fall or winter gardens for its autumnal colors and persisting ...
Leatherleaf sedge - Fine Gardening
Two-foot-tall, stiff, orange-brown blades curve at the end like a shepherd’s staff. Burnished red-bronze foliage, which fades to flax at the tips, gives off a warm glow when backlit by the sun. Noteworthy Characteristics Self-seeds modestly, and by …
How to plant Leatherleaf sedge (Carex buchananii) - Dear Plants
Leatherleaf sedge (Carex buchananii) is a plant that adapts to all types of soils, chalk, clay, loam or sand. The chalky soil is pale and contains chunks of calcium-rich rock. It is a fertile and well-draining soil, almost always alkaline.
Carex buchananii | Leatherleaf Sedge | plant lust
Plants exhibit a strong, vertical form when young, then arch downward with age and possess distinctly curled leaf tips and inconspicuous flowers. Useful in water gardens, rock gardens, and woodlands, the leather leaf sedge grows in full sun along the …